Buffini & Company Blog

Why Choose? 3 Ways to Have a Productive Business and Live the Good Life

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

At Buffini & Company, our mission is to impact and improve the lives of people. We believe in working by referral so that we can live the good life. I am passionate about this mission and I know many of you are as well. As Mentors and Leaders, you bring our system to your people to help them build great businesses so they can focus on the other important aspects of a good life. Because we have such a desire to see others succeed, I’ve noticed that as leaders, we are reaching and stretching towards all of the ultimate business goals for our company and our agents tirelessly, and our happiness in many cases is sacrificed or left for “when we have more time and we have less to do”. I ask you, when is that ever going to happen? I want to champion you, the leaders in our industry to take the necessary steps so you are also living that good life! I want to have a candid conversation in this blog about your responsibility and your right to have BOTH a profitable & productive company AND a healthy and happy life. What follows is what our most successful Leaders & Mentors do. And if this idea seems impossible to you today, there is hope and a practical strategy to get you there.

Design your business and your day

It is so easy to show up at the office each day with an attitude of “Well, let’s see what is going to happen today? What fires will I have to put out?” We may not even try to plan out what we need to do because we know it is all going sideways anyway—why bother? To have a successful and profitable business, we must develop a very clear picture of what we want our business to look like. What are your big dreams, goals and vision for your business and financial circles? Then, how will we go about making these dreams reality? For the leader in Real Estate or lending, one of our highest priorities should be to develop the people around us to be as focused and productive as they can be. If our agents are selling more homes, our organization is more profitable and we are able to invest our time in the important pieces of building our ultimate company. Make sure you take the time to visualize what this looks like. Who are you looking for to build the organization? What production must take place for the company to be healthy? What does the budget look like? What kind of environment do you want to be in everyday? Once you have a clear picture, share this with your agents and staff and let them know how they are a big part in getting these goals and vision accomplished. Everyone wants to be part of something great. Educate them on the important role they play and keep them posted and motivated each month as you let them know how “we” are doing in making the goals and vision a reality.

Set your priorities & protect them

Once we have a clear vision and we have some good people with us on the path to achievement, it is crucial that we choose the most important activities to help us “win the day” as leaders. I know this is where things get tough. The job description for Mentors and Leaders is robust and never-ending. This is where choice and boundaries come in. To be honest with you, if you skip this step, your office and your life will never be where you envision it. We all get caught up in the chaos of the industry. There will always be things to do, people that need us and projects and deals that are on fire. We must get very focused on the things that really make a difference instead of everything. Where are you at your best in your organization? What are the activities that truly get you closer to your goals? For me, I determined my top three jobs were 1. training & development 2. recruiting and 3. protecting our culture. From there I decided the activities I needed to commit to throughout the week that allowed me to focus the majority of my time on those three things. I plugged these activities into my schedule. You may be wondering, “What happened to everything else?” Well, I got very good at delegating and being creative with the people around me about how they could help. For example, we hired an independent contractor to handle agents’ paperwork for their transactions (really helped with contract questions) and I asked our agents to teach classes on their specialties in the marketplace. I also was able to get rid of many of the activities that were taking up a lot of my time with little return.

I also found that in order to protect my sanity, I needed boundaries around my personal life so I could be truly happy. I needed to make sure I was feeling good and my family was taken care of so I had the capacity to serve my agents and company. Here are five boundaries I highly recommend:

  1. One day off a week– no real estate
  2. Office hours to handle questions
  3. End time to your workday
  4. Shut your phone off at 6:30pm
  5. Block incoming calls.

Implementing these boundaries will give you a little time (and more energy) to play with your children or grandchildren, play golf, meditate, have dinner with your spouse and family or workout—whatever it is you need to take care of yourself and those you love.

Be where you are

There is so much energy wasted on thinking we need to be home when we are at work and vice versa. If we choose to make our time count with the important activities and the important people in our lives, then we are able to be present in each situation knowing that we gave our best at the office and while we were at home. This can truly give you one of the best things in life: peace of mind. Wherever you are, be there and be ALL IN.

Leadership is a courageous undertaking and can sometimes be an overwhelming siege. If we have a clear vision and set of goals, we can focus on what is really important and get more quality activities completed in our business and our lives. Choose your priorities and then protect that time to invest in your business, your life and your loved ones. And, wherever you choose to be, dial in to that activity or that person and make sure you make it count. Just a profitable business does not make for a happy person or a good life. Give yourself the permission to have both/and and that will be a tremendous example for the people you love and the people you lead.


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