Connect with Your Database

Did you know the real estate market is expected to grow by about 10% next year? Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Bold Predictions, 2025 Real Estate Market Outlook, now available on-demand. Watch now.
Last month’s blog was all about building a business plan by the numbers. The other side of that is that the numbers only matter if they represent the actual connection with the people in your database.
Working by Referral takes heart and the willingness to give of yourself for the sake of others. So, as you move forward with your pie events, Pop-Bys, and holiday gatherings – how are you making people feel and what are you specifically doing to acknowledge your A+ and A referrers? The best business plans are simple with the highest opportunity for meaningful connection. Fourth quarter brings a huge opportunity to set up our business for next year while deepening the relationships we have in our database. I interviewed a couple coaches on the floor to ask them, “How important is it for our clients to authentically invest in relationships in the fourth quarter?”
“VERY. That’s the core of the whole thing, actually being interested in the people in their database. Otherwise [our clients] are just operating with competent sterility. They can market themselves but they aren’t connecting.” – Barbara Cunningham
“It ties into Lou Holtz’s three questions: Can I trust you? Are you good at what you do? Do you care about me? You can be good in your real estate career, but authentically caring is what builds trust.” – Meghan Wheeler
The reality is when you market yourself you need to build connection not just contact. That means making all of it, calls, notes and Pop-Bys about the client. We have to GIVE before we ASK and RECEIVE. Here are some creative ideas to “Invest in the best [A+ and A] and Systemize the rest,” as Coach Bev Cairns puts it:
- Calls and texts: your intention is to make the client feel seen by acknowledging something they are going through. An example might be “Hey Jean, I was thinking of you today because I saw a dog like yours at the park. How are you and Sparky doing?”
- Personalized gifts or video messages around birthdays, kid’s birthdays, and wedding anniversaries.
- For Brokers and Lenders: send a note to a Realtor’s significant other thanking them for the support of the Realtor throughout the course of the year.
At Buffini and Company; our mission is to impact and improve the lives of people. We believe that by doing that in helping and caring for you, we empower you to do that for your database… and that is how we improve the world together! “Behind every name is a person and a family. We have to think about the person and the impact we have on that person. That is where the opportunity lies” – Peggy Bence
Lindsey Zimmer