Buffini & Company Blog

Connect With Your Real Estate CRM to Stay on Track With Your Goals

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Principles never change; tactics do. That’s something real estate leader Brian Buffini has taught for years in an industry that seems to release a new piece of “groundbreaking” tech each week!

While technology certainly has a place in your business, the gadgets you use must complement the principles upon which you run your business. Your real estate CRM should help you reach your income and business goals based upon a time-tested system. It needs to do more than just hold your information — it must present that information in ways that show you exactly what you need to do to achieve your goals.

Here’s how your real estate CRM should keep you on track with your goals.

A Space for Goals

While this may seem obvious, many real estate CRM programs lack a space to input your goals. This should be the first thing you do when working with a new platform! For example, when a new agent fires up Buffini & Company Referral Maker® CRM for the first time, they are prompted to enter their income goals, along with other information about their average sales price, expenses, taxes, splits, etc. The program then calculates how much they need to make based on this data. The software keeps this goal front and center so you know what you’re working toward, which is one of the best ways to actually achieve!

Daily Action Steps

Instead of leaving agents to figure it out on their own, a great real estate CRM will generate customized action steps to help agents tackle lead generation in a strategic way. These action steps should be aligned with your goals, so you are channeling your energies toward activities that will actually generate results. Referral Maker® CRM creates these action steps based on your income goals — they are the first thing users see when they hop on the platform so that agents can get right to work!

Accessible Progress Tracking

When you aren’t tracking your progress, it’s harder to know just how close you are to achieving your goals. Your real estate CRM must have a place for you to conveniently check in on your progress. The Referral Maker® CRM has a clean, easy-to-read dashboard that shows you where you’re at with your various lead generation activities for the day, week and month. These results also add some accountability to your routine. By seeing how much you’ve done and how much you have left, it can push you to get moving so you reach your weekly goals!

When looking for a way to stay on track with your business goals, it’s important to invest in a real estate CRM that’s right for the job. With Buffini & Company Referral Maker® CRM, you get to run your business with a proven system that works off your goals. Sign up for your free trial today to see what you can achieve!

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