Buffini & Company Blog

Consistency: The Key to a Great Real Estate Marketing Strategy

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

Have you ever thought about the brands you interact with on a daily basis? Chances are everything from your favorite laundry detergent to your go-to dish soap to your most comfortable pair of jeans is associated with a specific brand.

And even though you could purchase similar products from a different manufacturer, there’s something that keeps you coming back to those particular brands and sharing them with others.

Most of the time, that “something” is consistency.

Think about it. When you hear the brand name of this product, you immediately know what to expect. Time after time this company has provided you with the same great quality product you’ve come to know and love. That consistency has helped the product market itself, since it has now become your go-to recommendation for others.

The same principle can apply to your real estate business! There are a few areas of your business that must remain consistent in order for clients to establish you as their go-to-real estate professional and refer you to others.

  • Consistent Contact — Stay in touch with current and past relationships so they know you are never too busy to answer their questions about the real estate process. Send monthly mailers with valuable information to help in all of life’s major areas. 
  • Consistent Care — Demonstrate a higher level of care for your clients by making check-in calls, writing personal notes and delivering small client appreciation gifts. You establish yourself as an individual this client can depend on.
  • Consistent Community — Constantly celebrate your database as a whole through appreciation events and messages of gratitude on social media. Be a source of referrals yourself by linking up clients with your trusted network of contractors, finance pros and even real estate agents in other areas.

Without this consistency, you may miss out on that huge source of free real estate marketing: word-of-mouth. When your clients know that you are always the real deal, they will enthusiastically recommend your business to others.

On the other hand, if they find they can’t always depend on you for exceptional service, then they will channel their time and energy toward a different agent — and you’ll find yourself channeling your money toward more costly online advertising.

So as you plan your real estate marketing strategy for next year, don’t forget to evaluate your level of service as well. Make sure your commitment to your clients is consistent, so they (and their friends and family) are always coming to you for their real estate needs.

To help bring consistency to your real estate marketing efforts, check out Referral Maker® PRO from Buffini & Company. This monthly marketing kit provides beautiful value-add marketing materials to mail and email to your database, as well as other tools to consistently stand out with your level of service.

Experience the kit for free by downloading your sample real estate marketing materials today!

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