Buffini & Company Blog

Do You Have a Team of Pros Dedicated to Your Success?

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

Success is often way more attainable when you’ve got a great team behind you.

However, in the real estate industry, this isn’t always accessible. Many agents work independently, a phenomenon that has only increased during the COVID-19 pandemic through remote work.

This can make it tough to know whether you’re on the right track when it comes to business planning and marketing. While you may have your strategy mapped out, it’s easier to produce results when you know you’re getting the most out of all the tools and resources at your disposal.

At Buffini & Company, we’ve invested in a team to help you do just that. The new Success Consultant Team works with agents in our Referral Maker® PRO membership to offer strategies and advice on how to optimize their monthly real estate marketing kit and master Working by Referral. Quite literally, this team is consulting your business on how to maintain long-term success!

The Buffini & Company Success Consultant Team is helping agents maximize their success by doing the following:

  • Getting you started with Referral Maker PRO: Success Consultants provide a to-do list with essential actions once you get the first real estate marketing kit. They also share tips on how to follow up with the communications with calls and notes.
  • Guiding you through the tech: This team answers all your questions about Referral Maker® CRM and offers best practices. This is Buffini & Company’s real estate CRM designed to help you track your lead generation efforts.
  • Connecting you with the community: Not sure how to join our online or in-person synergy groups? The Success Consultants will get you started with regional Buffini Groups and online Facebook Members Groups.
  • Establishing you on the Buffini Referral Network: We know you want to generate increased referrals — this team will help you create a Buffini Referral Network profile that gets noticed so you can exchange referrals with the network of agents that sells every one in eight homes across North America.

Basically, this team is dedicated to one thing: your success! They are doing everything and anything they can to ensure you are confident and comfortable with the tools in your box, like the Referral Maker PRO marketing kit, Referral Maker CRM and the Buffini & Company community.

Want to get this powerful team on your side? Become a Referral Maker PRO Member today and transform your real estate marketing and business strategy. Sign up for a free business consultation to learn more about how these programs can benefit you!

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