Buffini & Company Blog

Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

I have a serious problem. I love to bargain hunt. I am a complete sucker for clearance sales. An email will pop into my inbox with the words “take an additional…” and I’ve clicked the link before I can even see if it’s 10, 20, or 70 percent off already reduced prices. My favorite items to search for are t-shirts for my little person. She’s two years old and can destroy one in 30 seconds flat. Paint, ink, play dough, today’s breakfast, today’s lunch, today’s snack, today’s dinner—you name it, she’s worn it. So we need to have a lot on hand to keep her clothed.

Recently, I discovered something very intriguing about these tiny articles of clothing. As I scroll through and look at all the bright, colorfully designed tops, I notice the messages that are printed across the front. They are all positive, happy, encouraging affirmations. “I like to smile.” “I’m Super.” “Think Happy. Be Happy”. Our children are literally draped in positivity. How cool is that? They walk around all day long with words of love and acceptance scrawled across their hearts; as it should be.

Affirmations are a powerful tool. We become what we affirm to others and ourselves each day. They can build us up and help us to achieve things we never thought possible. Now, I’m not suggesting we all walk around every day sporting t-shirts shouting, “I love myself!” But, what I am suggesting is we become more conscious of the words we speak to ourselves and how they affect our world and the world around us. Why should I stop thinking and telling myself that “I Make People Smile” or that I should “Sparkle Always”? It’s important to really tune into how we talk to ourselves and affirm to be true.

What does your t-shirt say?

Sharing the Good Life!


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