Buffini & Company Blog

What is Your Energy Gauge Telling You?

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024, now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you the inside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

Humans are naturally intuitive, and while we may not rely on our intuition as much these days to help us survive, we may use it in smaller ways each day without realizing it. One of the most recognizable ways is in the energy we feel daily when going places, meeting people or doing certain activities that either make us more energized or deplete us.

Does it energize you or deplete you?

This is a question to ask yourself when faced with any kind of decision in your career or in your personal life. It applies to the places you go, the people you associate with and the tasks you do.

If something or someone energizes you, it means they inspire and motivate you to be or become your best self. If it depletes you, it causes you to shrink or feel insecure.

How do you know? Tune into your body. More often than not, your body will react to the places you go, people you meet and tasks you do, whether you realize it or not. For example, think about someone in your life who energizes you; after a conversation with them, you feel ready to take on the world! Now think of someone who depletes you; someone you dread having to deal with because they make you feel insecure or drained.

You can apply this exercise to other areas of your life as well, such as when you’re working with clients, in your office, and when doing your daily tasks. According to Mel Robbins, the best-selling author of The 5 Second Rule, “Your body tells you whether you’re in the right job, the right situation in terms of where you live, the right romantic relationship and the right working relationship.” Mel knows a thing or two about this concept: she’s used it throughout her career to help her make the best decisions to help her learn and grow.

Want to learn more about the Energy Gauge and the 5 Second Rule? Listen to episode #122 of “It’s a Good Life. to hear J’aime’s interview with Mel and learn how to trust your body and instincts to achieve your true potential. Click here to listen.

Buffini & Company

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