Buffini & Company Blog

Feeling Stuck? Here’s How to Make a Comeback

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The past several months haven’t been easy for anyone. The COVID-19 pandemic put plans on hold for a lot of people in both business and life. However, as communities reconcile with their new normal, it’s time to figure out how to make your comeback part of the conversation.

We’re more than halfway through 2020, which means there is still time to get things back on the right track. Sheltering-in-place has the natural ability to make many people feel stuck, stagnant and immobile. That’s a difficult reality for any goal-getter who is constantly working toward the next big thing. Despite this new COVID-19 reality, you can still formulate a strong comeback that will leave you feeling stronger than ever!

You’ve probably noticed by now that these tough times have exposed a few of your impurities — perhaps you’re more easily agitated with family, or you’ve felt a bit lethargic while at home. During challenging periods of our lives, it’s all too easy for our undesirable traits to rise to the surface. When you commit to a comeback, you pledge to work through these impurities and undesirable traits — instead of letting them set you back, you acknowledge these emotions and focus on what you can control.

To design your comeback, focus on a positive vision for your future, rather than the negative of the now. You’ll want to spend time figuring out your purpose — it helps to start by defining your core values. Make sure that whatever path you’re on is truly one that fulfills your potential, brings you toward rewards and impacts the world around you in a positive way.

When you have a clear idea of your purpose and values, it’s time to plan! Create concrete goals that match your visions and align with your values. Break them down into digestible tasks that you’ll be motivated to achieve. Once you have some actionable items, you’ll start to feel “unstuck” and more confident in your pursuits.

Goal-getting is a number one priority at Buffini & Company. If you’re a real estate agent looking for some accountability on your own journey, or you’ve been feeling stuck yourself, check out Buffini & Company One2One Coaching. You’ll work with your own personal real estate coach who will help you plan and achieve all of your goals. Get your free business consultation today to see how real estate coaching can help you!

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