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Get Organized Now!

Get Organized Now! | Buffini & Company

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

Most of us would like to be better organized, but we’re not sure where or how to start. I used to be in a place of disorganization and chaos until I met organizational expert Dr. Alex Lackey, known as The Most Organized Man in America. The powerful time-management principles Dr. Lackey taught me had a profound impact on how I run my business and my life today. Here are some of his top tips; start using them and you’ll soon be on your way to a more organized life too!

Stay on task

The key to staying on task is to decide where you’re going and stick to it, no matter what distractions or difficulties you encounter. Throughout the day, continually ask yourself: ‘What is the best use of my time right now?’ If you don’t regularly check in with yourself like this, you’ll end up doing nonessential work, your mind will wander and you’ll take off down rabbit trails! Instead of procrastinating and putting off difficult tasks, deal with them as soon as possible and get it over with. Likewise, if you encounter a problem, try to solve it immediately if you can. Problems only get messier and more complex over time!

Be productive, not just busy

In today’s hectic and fast-paced world, we’re all be very busy but often we’re not as productive as we could be. The truth is, work contracts or expands to fit the time allowed for it. That’s why, when time is tight, we often accomplish far more than when we have plenty of time to spare! If you want to increase your efficiency and productivity, you must first clarify your priorities. When you’re clear about what’s most important to do, you will achieve far more. You must also be very intentional about managing individuals who consistently waste your time. There’s no need to be cold or rude, but find ways to minimize the disruption. For example, you could suggest meeting at their desk, either just before lunch or quitting time so you can excuse yourself when needs be. Also, it’s vital to develop the sort of body language that lets others know you’re there and you’re listening warmly and intently, but you’re still controlling the situation…and your time.  

Focus on the check

Often, we get so busy ‘doing’ that we don’t take the time to stop and reflect if we’re actually headed in the direction we want. It’s vital to continually assess if the steps you’re taking to realize your plan are working. Ask yourself regularly – ‘Did that work?’ If one thing doesn’t work then you can try another, but you must always keep evaluating. As part of this checking process, wash the stars out of your eyes. Keep looking up at the peak you want to reach, but get realistic. Stand back at a distance and evaluate the steps you’ve taken, one at a time. Watch for and catch tendencies that are not on track and nip them in the bud! You can also ask for input from others, such as your spouse, peers and clients.

Keep words to a meaningful minimum

There’s nothing more important than effective communication. It doesn’t matter what your service or product is, if you can’t convey its value to someone else, you’ve lost. In person, make eye contact, be attentive and listen. On the phone, choose your words with care, be brief and keep to the point. In written correspondence, be personal and keep it short and sweet. In other words, when it comes to all methods of communication – say what you mean and mean what you say!

Stay on the cutting edge

Our world is constantly changing, so you have to be up to date and prepared to change too! Know your strengths and your weaknesses. Where you are strong, develop it. Where you are weak, get help. Strive to stay on the cutting edge both physically and mentally. The sharper you are, the more you will achieve and the better control you will have of the time available to you. Time is life, use it wisely!

Every achievement in life depends on how you use your time. The same time management that gives you achievement also gives you freedom. Remember – it’s not how much time you spend, it’s how you spend your time. Apply these simple tips to your daily life and see the difference they can make today!

Listen to the latest episode of “It’s a Good Life” to hear more.

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