Getting Organized; No Matter Who You Are

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A quick Google search will give you a million and one organization hacks. So why do most of us still feel like our workspaces (and lives) could use some serious re-organizing?
Depending on how we like to structure our lives, some organizational tools will triple one person’s productivity while stressing someone else out.
After profiling 20,000+ professionals, I’ve found that most people fall into one of three categories: (1) Organizer (2) Engineer (3) Marksman. Knowing where your natural structure skills lie can help you find the organizational tools that work with your personality.
Being an Organizer is a double-edged sword. You want to be in control of your environment which means you’re great at bringing order to chaos. On the flip side, this can also cause a lot of anxiety when things go awry (and they always do). You may find it hard to function in messy environments.
An Organizer should put their goals in for family first, then structure business goals around that to help with work life balance. As we approach summer, apply your organizational abilities to your calendar and schedule in some time off. Be sure to think about who is taking over business on vacation so you don’t have to worry about what’s not happening.
Organizers like to structure their environment while Engineers like to structure their plans, routines, and systems. They are more interested in strategic planning.
Change can be very hard for an Engineer because you want to know how to execute things. You think very linearly and do everything step-by-step. If you are also Create-Finalize, then you’ll feel most at peace with your life/business when you create systems. Execute-Finalize need to work within existing structures. (Not sure which one you are? Check out this blog post). Spontaneity is hard because of the desire to be exact and in control of details.
You can alleviate this anxiety by adding extra buffer time into your day and learning how to go with the flow. You have to learn how to adapt to disruptions and distractions. It’s easy to get locked into a routine which can stifle growth or cause a fear of growth.
Leverage this attribute by setting a theme for each year of what one skill you want to focus on. It could be a business skill, course, strategy, or a learning goal. Use your Engineer skills to break down that goal into weekly or daily tasks.
A Marksman is gifted at creating a plan for your family—beyond typical family planning. Think about what character qualities you want your kids to have when they leave home, such as “adulting” skills, financial literacy, character qualities, etc…
Use your Marksman skills to set retirement goals for your business. Decide your timeframe and what you want to hit before retiring or going on vacation.
On a day to day basis, a Marksman is skilled at honing in on ratios and commission goals to improve their skills and business.
Knowing yourself better is the first step to really getting organized, once and for all!