Buffini & Company Blog

Give Your Agents the Tools They Need to Get Results

Give Your Agents the Tools They Need to Get Results

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

In 2017, things are very different in our industry and will continue to change, but the fundamentals still remain the same. A bright outlook and a renewed commitment to serve will make all the difference in this new era of real estate. To maximize the opportunity for success in your organization you must become a specialist in Certified Mentor™

Why is agent productivity so important?

The increase in your bottom line is just the beginning. (And who doesn’t need that?) If you take a vested interest in your people and help them to perform at higher levels in their business, this will have a trickle-down effect everywhere in your organization.

  • First, with profits—for you and them. You have more to invest into your company and your lifestyle. They can provide for their family, take a nice vacation, and buy a new car. Everyone will be more positive, upbeat and ready to tackle the everyday challenges that come with this business.
  • Productive behavior and profitability will lead to a better work culture and your office will be filled with people who take action and get results. Your agents will spread the word that your company is the place to be to thrive in real estate. (Remember to ask!) This becomes attractive to other solid and top producers in your marketplace, who will look at your company as one that helps its associates reach their goals and provides an environment conducive to high performance.
  • Recruiting is much more fun when you’re able to demonstrate your brokerage’s tangible results and value to prospective agents by providing them with positive momentum, healthy competition and your genuine concern for their business.

I know that you probably know and understand the benefits of productive people and profits to an organization, especially if yours has been lacking for awhile. But just like knowing that eating nutritious food and working out is the best formula for being fit and healthy, the process of doing the activities for a healthy body or business on a consistent basis is daunting and full of obstacles. The process of growth and development gets even more complicated when you are a leader, who is trying to influence and encourage others to take action to achieve higher levels. Jim Rohn called it “herding cats”. But as challenging as it is, it is a worthy pursuit to make a difference in people’s lives and ultimately to raise the level of professionalism expected in our industry. If we can move them to action, we all win.

Are you ready to take your agents to the next level? Become a Buffini & Company Certified Mentor™! Boost the momentum of your office. Click here to learn more.

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