Give Yourself Permission to Pause

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Do you feel that there is just too much to accomplish in any given day? When’s the last time you got off the hamster wheel?
We all know the importance of self-care and that we deserve to take a break but how do we really do it when there are meals to prepare, dishes to clean, laundry to do, bills to pay, etc. And if that is not enough, we are constantly thinking about what we have to do and what we have not yet done.
We need to take a pause – be in the present – enjoy the moment.
Starting today I’d like us all to give ourselves Permission to Pause. This is not abandoning all of our responsibilities… it is merely a small amount of time to slow down and enjoy the moment. It could be a glass of wine, a cup of coffee or tea, a walk with your dog, watching the sunset, mediation or prayer, playing a game with your child, or anything else that suits your fancy.
We should never forget the high cost of not taking care of ourselves – stress, frustration, anger, and poor health to name a few. When we do take care of ourselves, we feel energized, happy, motivated, positive, and strong.
As a Member of Buffini & Company, you strive to be the best version of yourselves. More business and balance are the two most common goals we hear about. So, let’s remain focused while working and achieve balance through our Permissions to Pause.
So, what are your Permissions to Pause? What can you do to make sure you get enough of them?
Julie Faseag