Happy New Year!

Did you know the real estate market is expected to grow by about 10% next year? Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Bold Predictions, 2025 Real Estate Market Outlook, now available on-demand. Watch now.
Are your clients in the market for new home? Perhaps you have clients who are thinking of listing soon. The Marketing Flyers this month are intended to prompt your potential buyers and sellers to give you a call for their real estate needs. Not sure if your clients are thinking of listing or buying this year? The Flyers will also help you start the conversation about the local market.
What’s in the Box?
Whether your clients are buying a home or selling their existing residence, it’s important to have a trusted professional, like you, in their corners as they work through the real estate process. The January Standard and Canadian Marketing Flyers outline nine reasons you clients need you to help them with all of their real estate needs, whether they’re buying or selling. This is a competence piece that is sure to set you up for success this year.
For the Alternate Marketing Flyers, we outline the tax benefits of homeownership. When you purchase, own or sell a home, you may be able to take advantage of some great tax benefits. The January Alternate Marketing Flyer offers an overview of the most common benefits and gives you an opportunity to refer your clients to a great tax professional in your network.
Boost your leads with the Blitz!
The Blitz is back! We’ve brought back our most popular lead generating campaign to help you kick start your leads this year. Want 2017 to be your best year ever? Sign up for the Blitz. There are two more opportunities to sign up for the Blitz this year—don’t miss your chance to take your business to the next level!