Hard Work Made Easy
Did you know the real estate market is expected to grow by about 10% next year? Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Bold Predictions, 2025 Real Estate Market Outlook, now available on-demand. Watch now.
If you want to be a strong, confident leader, who can dominate in any market, we’ve got you! Attend Leadership Conference this Sept. 7-8, in Austin, Texas and hear powerful content from world-class speakers, while connecting with the industry’s top-performing leaders from across North America. Click here to learn more!
Many entrepreneurs work extremely long hours, but most of them still feel like they’re not accomplishing what they need or want to. The truth is, achieving success isn’t about putting in 100 hours a week – it’s about the quality and acuity of the hours that you do work. Here’s how you can work smarter, get more out of your time and achieve phenomenal success.
The biggest lesson in business or in life is that it all comes down to focus. If you really focus your mind, it’s possible to achieve remarkable things in shorter periods. To make sure your focus is as sharp as it can be, you must make time to think. From walking in nature, to turning off your devices so you can concentrate, to listening to classical music and writing your goals, you have to carve out uninterrupted thinking time if you want to develop clarity and focus. Remember: If you truly embrace the concept of focus, everything will change for you.
If you were to honestly rate the effort you put into your work on a scale of 1 to 10, how would you fare? Whatever the number, you can always try to make small improvements. If you think you’re a 5, for example, set a goal to get to 6. If you’re a 6, aim to get to 7. You don’t have to be a 10 straight away – it’s all about trying your best. As Og Mandino once said, “Always do your best – what you plant now, you’ll harvest later.” When you try your best, things invariably work out best for you, so begin by figuring out your number and then figure out how to raise it. If you try to do even marginally better, you will reap the rewards.
What kind of energy do you bring to the table? As sports agent and author Molly Fletcher once said, “We can’t lead, we can’t serve, we can’t solve problems if we don’t have enough energy.” You need to really take care of yourself by fueling your body properly, getting enough exercise and sleep and taking the time to think and process experiences. What you put your energy into will show up in your life, so always make sure to use your resources wisely.
In today’s hectic world, small business owners often put in very long hours. Whether it’s working from home, feeling the pressure to be available 24/7, or simply trying to juggle the never-ending list of everyday tasks, the pressure can feel overwhelming. The answer isn’t to work harder, it’s to work smarter. To find out how we can help you to do better work in less time and live the good life, why not take a free business consultation today?