Buffini & Company Blog

How To Be a Pro in an Unskilled World

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In today’s crowded marketplace, skilled professionals really stand out. Here’s how you can take charge of your attitude, efforts and self-development to become a skilled professional and stand out from the competition.

Connect With Your Clients

  • Develop emotional intelligence.

If you meet your clients’ transactional needs, you get paid. But if you meet both their transactional and their emotional needs, they will become advocates for you for years to come. Develop your emotional intelligence and you will reap the rewards.

  • Listen like a pro.

In today’s world, everybody’s talking but very few are listening. To connect with your clients, you need to really listen so you can learn. As Larry King said, “Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So, if I’m going to learn, I must do it by listening.”  

  • Act.

Actions speak louder than words, so you must always be proactive and follow through. Every time you fulfill a promise, you build trust. Every time you break a promise, you break trust.

Serve Your Clients

  • Find a problem.

Successful businesses are founded on people’s needs. What do your clients need and how can you serve that need? Outstanding service sets you apart from the competition. It also creates absolute advocacy which, in today’s social media world, is stronger than it ever was.

  • Fix a problem.

When your client has a problem, get creative. If you think outside the box and come at things in a different way, not only will you solve their issue, you’ll impress them like never before.

  • Do the unexpected extras.

There’s no point in delivering the unexpected extras if you don’t do what’s expected first! Remember, do the first mile by doing what’s expected. Build trust, then go the extra mile.

Hone Your Skills

  • Negotiate like a pro.

For a negotiation to be successful, everyone needs to walk away at peace with the outcome, including the other side! Ask yourself: How do you handle objections? Are you able to seek common ground? Do you know when to walk away? All of these techniques require specialist skills to be effective.   

  • Polish your presentations.

These days, professional presentation skills are more important than ever. Agents need to be able to expertly handle presentations in many mediums – face to face, voice to voice and online.  

  • Get training.

Navy SEALs say you don’t rise to the occasion, you fall to the level of your training. At Buffini & Company, we have the most comprehensive training programs ever created for the real estate industry. From 100 Days to Greatness® to The Pathway to Mastery®—Advanced, no matter where you are in your journey, we have the right program for you. Check out our real estate training solutions today!

We might not be able to control much in today’s uncertain world, but we can control the ability to develop our own skills. To learn more, listen to the latest episode of “It’s a Good Life.”

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