Buffini & Company Blog

How to Have a Great 2019

Have a Great 2019

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

The New Year is a time when many of us reassess and redefine our goals. All of us want to be the best we can be, but we can get off track and falter on our journey to success. Let me share with you some powerful techniques and strategies you can use to succeed in 2019.

First, before you move forward, you must recap and review the past year. It can be easy to feel the year gone by has been difficult or a struggle – the truth is, it’s really only when we take stock that we get perspective and realize we’re often doing better than we imagined. Great ways to connect to the previous year are to create a recap video to see all the highlights and moments that you might have forgotten. Then you can review your journals to assess the goals you achieved, the ones you struggled with, and those you gave up on. If possible, an offsite is also a great idea because it gives you space and time to intently re-examine your goals and decide what needs to come forward, what needs to get reprioritized and re-supported, and what needs to be put aside. This process is powerful because it gives you perspective, helps you to appreciate what you have, and instils a sense of gratitude.

Next, you must write powerful goals. People who have written goals achieve at a far higher rate than those who don’t. Short, mid, long-range – it doesn’t matter what form your goals take – but they should be specific and detailed. As Zig Ziglar said, ‘If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time.’ Prioritize your goals and then share them with others. Doing this creates an ‘us’ and a level of accountability that can really get the ball rolling.

Finally, you must stay on track. No-one wants to be like a firework that burns bright and then fizzles out. To stay the course, invest in continuous and never-ending improvement by committing to events, training, and coaching. Events are impactful, give you a jolt of motivation, and get you fired up. Training and coaching support you and shore up your progress. You need the dynamic of all three things to change your thinking, mindset, and habits.

To have your best year ever, recap and review the year gone by; write specific goals; and commit to events, training, and coaching. If you do, you will rise up to success…and live the good life!

Listen to the latest episode of “It’s a Good Life” to hear Brian offer more tips and advice for succeeding in 2019. Click here to listen.


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