Buffini & Company Blog

I haven’t seen you in years!

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I just returned from my High School reunion. It was big one. I won’t tell you how many years it’s been since I matriculated at Pope John XXIII Regional High School as to keep an air of mystery about myself. But, let’s just say…….it’s been quite some time.

I have to be honest, when I first heard about the event I was apprehensive about what it might be like to see these people after so many years. I haven’t been the best at staying in touch, allowing Facebook and other forms of “connecting” to do most of the work for me. I’m an avid Facebook stalker and felt like I was pretty up to date on what my former classmates and friends were up to. But, full disclosure, when I made a rash decision and bought a non-refundable ticket to New Jersey my fear went into overdrive. What would we talk about? After our pleasantries, how would I fill the time? Would I be interesting enough?

As I started to head down a million different rabbit holes of questions with a million different end points, I stopped for a moment and realized: everyone else is in the same boat. Maybe some have stayed in contact a little better, but we were all coming together in a group setting with many unknown factors.

That got me thinking a little more about connection. More specifically connecting for the first time or after a long period of time. I know my feelings have usually lead me down a pathway of fear. Fear that brings with it doubt and questions. Whether it’s a networking event, a Buffini Group, or a face-to-face client connection, we all feel a little bit like this……. “What the heck am I going to talk about? Will I be enough?” But, having recently experienced these thoughts and stepped out of my own way and just went for it, I have come to realize the answer is: YES! YOU ARE ENOUGH. People are interested in YOU and you DO have something to offer. Is that a little too Stuart Smalley?

Well, it’s the truth. As soon as I stepped into that room full of my former classmates, I realized we were all there for the same reason….. to connect! It’s human nature. Everyone wants to be a part of something. Lucky you, you already are. It’s called the Buffini & Company Member Community. So, get out there and connect with others who are just like you! Join a Group or attend an event…..it’s all about connecting.

My advice to you is this: When fear starts to set in, remember, I had mushroom hair and over plucked eyebrows in High School and I still had a great time at that reunion!

(Sharing the Good Life)


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