Buffini & Company Blog

It’s a Good Life

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With so much to contend with on a daily basis, sometimes it’s hard to see the good in life. No matter the difficulties or the challenges you face, however, you must remember that there’s always good to be found, too. Here are some ways to put the good back in your life and come out on top: 

Accept that life doesn’t always feel good

Appreciating your life isn’t always easy, especially during dark times. The key is to understand that, even when life is painful, it can still be good. Everyone experiences setbacks and obstacles; they are part and parcel of this earthly existence. As Fr. Thomas Keenan once said, “Inside the infinite love of God there’s a place for suffering.” If you can accept this, then appreciating the good in life gets a whole lot easier.

Learn from the setbacks

When you’re going through tough times, it’s hard to see light at the end of the tunnel. Whether it’s financial troubles, relationship issues or health challenges, you can feel like you’ll never recover from a setback and that your life will forever be negatively impacted. However, it frequently turns out that the hardships you endure in this life actually redirect you, helping you in ways that you could never have imagined. Often, what you thought was the worst thing that could ever happen to you turns out for the good in the end. Remember – every book of success has chapters of failure.

Put the good back in your life

In today’s increasingly cynical world, it’s very easy to be negative. However, the truth is that when you focus on what’s not right in your life, that’s all you get and all you are. To seek what’s good, first take stock. What are you thankful for? What should you express gratitude for? To put the good back in your life, you need to do three things: Be resolved in your belief that life is good, appreciate and be grateful for all that you do have and continue to affirm that better days are ahead and that there’s hope for the future. Life isn’t always easy or fun, but, despite everything, it is always good. To learn more about how we were all designed and created to live a good life, listen to the most recent episode of “It’s a Good Life”.

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