It’s All About the Money

Did you know the real estate market is expected to grow by about 10% next year? Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Bold Predictions, 2025 Real Estate Market Outlook, now available on-demand. Watch now.
Since tax day is right around the corner, many people have their minds on their money and their money on their minds. If you plan on getting a tax refund, you may be thinking of ways you’ll spend, save or invest it. If you expect to owe taxes, you may be thinking of ways to minimize the amount you’ll have to fork over. This month, we have both types of folks covered.
What’s in the Box?
For many people, completing taxes is a stressful experience. Even if you hire a tax professional to complete the forms for you, you may get stressed getting organized as well as thinking about the amount you may owe or receive as a refund. The U.S. Marketing Flyer tackle this topic, outlining tips to help people get organize, inform them of a few of the changes in store for this year (at least at print time), and help them protect their personal information from thieves. This is a character piece intended to show you care and provide you the opportunity to recommend a tax professional in your network.
Many people are under the impression they have to be rich to benefit from the services of a financial planning professional. As a result, they may struggle to build wealth and reach their financial goals because they’re not certain how to put their money to work for them. The Canadian and Alternate Marketing Flyers explains the most popular reasons people seek the advice of a financial planning pros and outlines several scenarios in
which a person may want to get financial advice. This is a character piece intended to show your clients you care as well as get them on the path to building wealth.
Pop-By Ideas
- A tax-time survival kit with a pencil, calculator, ibuprofen and a stress ball.
- A cold/flu season survival kit with Theraflu, tissues and hand sanitizer.
- Bring your A+ clients their favorite warm beverage or snack food.
- A garden kit if you live in a warmer area.
What to Say: Follow-up Calls
“Tax time can be stressful, even if you have a tax professional prepare your forms for you. The information I sent this month is intended to take some of the rest out of filing your return by offering tips to help you get organized, understand some of the new changes and protect your information from identity thieves. Remember, I’m never too busy for your referrals and would be happy to follow up with them.”
“You don’t need to be wealthy to tap into the services of a financial planner. In fact, seeking the guidance of a professional can help you find ways to make your money work for you so you can build more wealth. The information I sent this month provides an overview of the services a financial professional can provide, as well as things to consider if you’re thinking of working with one. Remember, I’m never too busy for your referrals and would be happy to follow up with them.”
Business – to-Business Ideas
- Standard – Offer a coupon or discounted service to a local business in your network.
- Canadian – Offer a coupon or discounted service to a local business in your network.
- Alternate – Offer a coupon or discounted service to a local business in your network.
It’s always a great time for personal development
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