Learn the Strategies to Improve Your Relationships with Your Clients

Did you know the real estate market is expected to grow by about 10% next year? Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Bold Predictions, 2025 Real Estate Market Outlook, now available on-demand. Watch now.
With Valentine’s Day on the horizon, many people have relationships on their minds. As a referral-based real estate professional, get the tools and strategies to improve your relationships with your clients by attending one of these great events.
Brian Buffini’s Success Tour launches on February 6th
The Success Tour will be stopping in Anaheim, California on February 6th and 7th for two days of all-new content that will give you the strategies and motivation to thrive this year and find your “acre of diamonds.” Join Brian Buffini, Joe Neigo, Dave McGhee and J’aime Nowak as they offer their tips for building a successful business. Special guest, Walter Bond will share the strategies he’s learned on the court as professional basketball player to achieve and maintain peak performance. Can’t make the Anaheim event? The Success Tour is heading to Richmond, Virginia on March 20th and 21st. Click here to reserve your spot at an event near you or register for the live broadcast of Day 1.
Learn the strategies to win the game of real estate in 2018
The Seattle stop of Buffini & Company’s GameChangers™ was a success and now we’re planning for our next stop, Fort Worth. Joe Niego, Kevin Buffini, J’amie Nowak and Dave McGhee will head to the “Lone Star State” on March 13th to share their timeless tips to help you win the game of real estate. Learn more about the event, including where it’s heading in 2018 by clicking here.
When you work by referral, your relationships with your clients drive your business. When you keep them at the top of your mind, you’ll be at the top of theirs. Attend the Success Tour or GameChangers to keep your skills on point and share ideas with other successful, high-producing agents.
Buffini & Company