Buffini & Company Blog

Leveraging the One2One Coaching Advantage

For Brad Noll, a Realtor/broker from Fort Wayne, Indiana, coaching has helped him improve his business and relationships.

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Brad Noll, a Realtor/broker from Fort Wayne, Indiana started his real estate career right after college. However, after four years in the business, he realized he was missing something: a coach. “I’m a coach’s son and played Division I basketball in college,” Brad says. “I’ve been coached all of my life. Outworking others is in my DNA.” He had just married his wife, Lindsay, who was working as a nurse and thought nothing of working all the time. To generate leads, Brad tried all the traditional methods, including hosting two open houses on Sundays.

At the time, Brad was having a great year. “I realized I didn’t know how to duplicate it again,” he says. Around that time, Brad ran into a friend who gave him one of Brian’s CDs. “I signed up for One2One Coaching that afternoon,” he says.

“Coaching held me capable of my abilities early on,” he says. Brad is a natural fit for coaching. His experience being coached in sports makes him open to learn and grow in business. Coaching gives him an advantage. “It’s natural to focus only on yourself, but a coach picks my head up and allows me to see situations from different angles to achieve my goals,” he says. His coach, James Bell, continuous asks him “why?” to help Brad see what he truly wants when he’s setting and striving to achieve goals. He helps him see the bigger picture and the impacts that achieving his goals will have within his business and in other areas of his life. One area coaching has impacted is his relationships with Lindsay, who joins Brad at Buffini & Company events such as the MasterMind Summit and the Peak Experience. “She fully supports what I’m doing,” he says. “It has been amazing for our relationship.” Coaching has allowed them to grow together and create a vision for the Good Life for their family.

Additionally, working with Coach James has allowed him to create balance in his business and his life. “Running a business that is focused on relationships creates a both/and situation,” he says. He not only has time to work on his business, he also has time to spend with his wife and children. Instead of working 70 hours a week, as he was when he first started coaching, he’s working 50 hours and has better vacations and more time off to be with his family and pursue his five-circle goals.

While his faith has taught him that “It’s not who I am, but whose I am,” coaching has put this in perspective and helped him realize his identity is more than the volume of his business or the number of sales he’s closed. “Coaching brings to light what’s important and how to fund it,” he says. Since joining coaching, his gross income has tripled and net income has quadrupled.

Coaching has also helped him manage his team. “I take the same approach as Brian and Joe, who as agents have both been there and done that,” he says. He works together with his agents as a team using the underlying philosophy of teaching them to become successful agents using the tools he’s learned throughout his career.

“You don’t know what you don’t know,” he says. He explains that many people wait to get a coach until after they’ve experienced a setback and they want to get back on track. When you don’t have a coach, it’s easy to be lulled into complacency, which Brad says is a dangerous place to be. “I desire contentment, but I’m never satisfied,” he says. He and Coach James work on planning, specifically preparing for setbacks and ways to push through them. “Get a coach before you experience a setback so you can prepare and build a strong business that can withstand setbacks,” he says.

“People pay for value, but get sold price,” he says. “if you’re on the fence about coaching, you may be weighing price, but don’t understand the value yet. I can’t begin to describe the value I’ve received from my coach and the community alongside me.”

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