Making Your Quantum Leap, Part 2

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If you want to make extraordinary breakthroughs and achieve higher performance in your life, you have to take a quantum leap. Here’s how you can take action to get to the next level and fulfill your true potential:
You Are More Ready Than You Know
You already have everything you need to make a quantum leap. All the good and the bad that you’ve experienced so far have given you the wisdom and the ability to achieve far more than you think. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “Knowledge gained through experience is far superior and many times more useful than bookish knowledge.” Having life experience means that you know who you are and you can accept your limitations. It also means that you can acknowledge when you need help. Making a quantum leap isn’t something you do alone – all the answers are inside of you, but you need other people to get them out. If you want to accelerate your rate of achievement, become a student of success and tap into training, coaching and mentorship.
Take a Risk
To get to the next level you have to be brave, take risks and try something new. Don’t discount your previous wins, of course, but don’t allow them to become a prison where you get stuck either. Your future success is not limited to your past experiences and gifts. As Jack Canfield once said, “Every time you take a risk or move out of your comfort zone, you have a great opportunity to learn more about yourself and your capacity.”
Trust Your Gut
If you don’t trust your gut when taking a quantum leap, your heart won’t be in it. You’ll end up being ‘double minded’, which means you’ll never accomplish what you’re supposed to. I would rather trust my gut and suffer failure than not trust it and only have moderate success. Always remember, however, that there’s a big difference between listening to your intuition and instinct and getting distracted by a passing whim! A quantum leap is not an escape from reality or an unplanned, foolish escapade. You must take the right leap in the right way.
Preparation Is the Key To Success
Making a quantum leap will apply pressure to where you currently are, so before you do it you have to make sure you have a firm foundation or everything will crumble. Are your fundamentals strong? You need to gather yourself and really prepare for what you’re going to do. Then, when the time is right, make the decision, be brave and change your life!
Unsuccessful people make decisions based on their current situation. Successful people make decisions based on where they want to be. Where do you want to be? To learn more about making a quantum leap, listen to the latest episode of “It’s a Good Life”.