Buffini & Company Blog

How to Motivate Ourselves and Others – #098

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By mid-spring, the motivation many of us had in January has long worn off. While we may be on track toward reaching our goals now, it’s becoming easier to drift and skip a lead generating activity or two. How can we get our motivation back and maintain it for the duration of the year?

  1. Set goals. Napoleon Hill wrote, “A goal is a dream with a deadline.” If you want to succeed, goals are essential. But, not any goal will do; you have to be specific. A properly written goal will not only mention what you want, it’ll also mention what you need to do to achieve it and what your first steps are to get there.Since bigger goals often take time to achieve, break it down into smaller 10-day and 10-month goals, and create milestones to reach within these goals to ensure you’ll never drift off-track.
  2. Seek accountability. It’s easy to make excuses; in fact, the road to failure is paved with them. If you want to maintain your motivation to succeed, it’s crucial to be accountable to your goal. An accountability partner will keep you honest and ensure you do what you say you’re going to do. However, if you want to take it a step further, get a coach. A coach will not only hold you accountable, they’ll also help you create a plan to achieve your goals, offer advice and encouragement when you need it the most and let you know if you’re veering off course. Thinking about getting a coach? Visit buffiniandcompany/ccs for a complimentary coaching session.
  3. Track. Tracking provides an objective standard to measure your progress toward achieving your goal. While you may think you’re doing great, the numbers may show that you’re not doing all the lead generating activities you could be doing, which is often why you’re not seeing results. Tracking your activities with Referral Maker CRM will help you see the big picture and look for ways to improve your progress. It’ll also help you stay motivated, especially on those days when it’s tempting to shirk responsibilities and enjoy a beautiful spring day.

Want to learn more about how to stay motivated? Listen to episode #098: How to Motivate Yourself and Others and don’t forget to download the goal-setting resource mentioned in the episode. Also, subscribe to It’s a Good Life so you don’t miss any great content

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