Buffini & Company Blog

Myth Busting the Work-Life Balance

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In today’s busy world, we all want more work-life balance – a state of equilibrium where everything is safe, peaceful and without struggle. Unfortunately, that state just doesn’t exist! Life is always changing. There will always be ups and downs and not everything is about achievement or success, even when what we see on other people’s curated social media feed might suggest otherwise! Here’s how to think differently about it:

It’s all about the ‘ing’

Many people mistakenly believe that ‘balance’ is a destination – some mythical place that, once reached, guarantees success. The truth is, balance isn’t a destination at all – it’s a process of adjustments to the constant changes and challenges of business and life. The actual goal is not balance, but the act of balancing – the key to success is to keep readjusting.

Remember: As Albert Einstein said, “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”

Recognize the opposing forces

It can often feel like opposing forces in your life are in a tug of war. If you concentrate on work, you feel guilty that you’re neglecting your home or personal life. If you’re with your family, you worry you’re not taking care of your customers or your business. If you work out, you feel bad that you’re taking time away from some other area of your life that needs attention. If you don’t exercise, you feel like you’re neglecting your health. And so the list goes on and on! When you carry this tension and guilt around with you all the time, it becomes a real drain on your energy and your focus.

Remember: When you operate in a place of guilt, you don’t operate in a place of freedom and that prevailing mindset can really hold you back.

You win at what you value

When you’re trying to achieve more balance in your life, you need to examine what you value. First, review your calendar to see where you really spend your time. Is time even the issue? As Zig Ziglar said, “People often complain about lack of time when lack of direction is the problem.” Next, review your bank statements – your checkbook doesn’t lie and it will show you pretty quickly what you put first! Finally, take the time to write out your worries. Getting your internal stresses down on paper is the best way to get them in perspective.

Remember: It takes the same amount of energy to worry as it does to succeed.

Life will always present us with unexpected difficulties, but when we learn how to keep readjusting and balancing we can overcome any challenge. To learn more about winning in business and in life, listen to the latest episode of “It’s A Good Life” today!

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