Buffini & Company Blog

Our Complex Relationship with Money – an Interview with Rachael Yeaman

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Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

If you want to cut through all the chatter and learn the truth about the real state of the real estate market, then we’ve got you! Join us on Monday, July 10 for Brian Buffini’s Bold Predictions 2023: Mid-Year Update. Brian will be joined by former FHA Commissioner David Stevens who will offer insight, advice and predictions on the mortgage industry. Click here to sign up for this free broadcast that you will not want to miss!

Money is a source of stress, pain and worry for many people. To make matters even worse, most of us refuse to tackle the issue and instead stick our heads in the sand and just ignore the topic altogether. Unsurprisingly, this tactic won’t fix the problem! If you want to have a healthy relationship with money, you must address the elephant in the room. Here’s how:

Money comes with baggage

Most people have a lot of baggage and weight attached to money. Whether from patterns or messages you were exposed to while growing up, previous negative experiences such as a bankruptcy, or just the current state of your bank account, money can surface a lot of deep shame. Unfortunately, if your financial house is not in order, it’s just a matter of time before that starts bleeding into every other aspect of your life.

It’s good to talk  

Money can be extremely difficult and uncomfortable to talk about, but the only way to eradicate the shame and experience true financial freedom is to open up. If you don’t talk about it, you can fall into a trap where your decision-making is no longer determined by what serves you and you end up being reactive. That’s why you have to pull the elephant out from under the rug, lean into the discomfort and get vulnerable. With the help of a good coach, you’ll be able to explore your attitude to money, develop a rock-solid plan to take control of your finances and ultimately change the trajectory of your life.

Identify your money beliefs

Money means different things to different people – and not acknowledging that can cause destruction! Some folks’ definition of money is tied to tangible things, such as homes, cars and investments. To them, money tends to represent security, peace of mind and accomplishment. For other people, money is more about intangibles such as experiences with loved ones. Whether it’s dinners, date nights or travel, it’s all about memories created and traditions shared. For these folks, money tends to represent more of the enjoyment of life and the connection it can fuel. Remember: Understanding your own and others’ differing beliefs about money can be a total game changer for your relationships and for your business.

Whether we know it or not, we all have a relationship with money. To improve it, we have to connect our natural strengths to our deeper ‘why,’ talk about it with the people that matter most and build a financial plan accordingly. REALStrengths can help you improve your relationship with money and live the good life. Why not take the free assessment and learn more? 

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