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Personal Development Seminars Teach Powerful Lessons: 11 Key Highlights from MasterMind Summit 2019

11 Key Highlights from MasterMind Summit 2019

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Nearly 4,000 people flooded the San Diego Convention Center on Aug. 4-6 this year to experience the next major breakthrough in their lives. At the Buffini & Company MasterMind Summit 2019, these attendees heard from a powerful lineup of speakers — including the master motivator himself, Brian Buffini — and gained strategies integral to creating lasting change.

Buffini & Company MasterMind Summit has all the qualities of the greatest personal development seminars, but we take the transformative experience one step further. Brian Buffini gets the crowd fired up, then provides them with the tools to strike while the iron is hot. Attendees write goals live during the event, and learn how to make them into a reality with a post-event action plan.

Personal development seminars can teach us a lot as long as we take the time to reflect. That being said, here is a refresher on some of the biggest highlights from MasterMind Summit to help you stay inspired: 

  • Sinbad delighted the audience with family-friendly comedy on Sunday night and had the real estate agents in the room in stitches.
  • Personal growth legend Og Mandino wrote “The Greatest Salesman in the World” immediately following one of the darkest times in his life. The book went onto inspire millions of people with its “10 Ancient Scrolls of Success.”
  • Nick Vujicic inspired the crowd to reach new heights in life — even under the toughest circumstances — simply by changing the attitude we bring to our day-to-day.
  • Start fresh each day by telling yourself, “Today, I begin a new life,” and you will set yourself up for positive change — carpe diem while you’re at it! 
  • The hardest thing about life is other people, and comedian and psych expert Connie Podesta shared the importance of understanding different types of personalities and offered ways to work with each.
  • Gain a rich mindset — always have a plan, push through adversity, give each task your best, actively seek opportunity and never belittle yourself.
  • Start a new life daily in all Five Circles — spiritual, family, business, finance and personal.
  • Learn to embrace failure, but understand that you do not need to go it alone — do not be afraid to reach out for help.
  • Kevin Brown, marketing and sales expert and author of “The Hero Effect,” taught us that great leaders rewrite their own stories using dedicated perseverance as their pen. They are also constantly seeking out new ways to serve and impact those around them.
  • Your vibe attracts your tribe. Radiate positivity and you will be greeted with it in return.
  • Never settle for Plan B. Make up your mind, be decisive and act on your Plan A, which is your true want. 

When you need more motivational fuel that personal development seminars provide, glance over these takeaways. Pick a few that resonate with you, and read them regularly to keep your spirits up all year long.

Can’t get enough personal growth? Reserve your spot at the 2020 Buffini & Company MasterMind Summit on August 2-4 at the San Diego Convention Center. Get your annual dose of motivation from Brian Buffini and an incredible lineup of speakers so you can continue making positive change in your life! 

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