Buffini & Company Blog

Is Your Personal Information Safe Online?

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

Although the internet has certainly made our lives easier in many respects, it may also make it easier for thieves to steal our personal information if we’re not careful. And, even if we are careful about who has our information, thieves are hacking into the systems of thecompanies we rely on to gain access to information. What’s a person to do? This month, we answer that and more.

What’s in the Box?

Many people pay their bills, shop, share photos, communicate and more online. Although the internet has made these tasks much more convenient, it’s also made it easier for thievesto steal personal information. And, as we saw with the huge Equifax breach last year, even if you’re vigilant about who has your information, you may still become a victim. The U.S. and Canadian Marketing Flyers tackle the topic of cyber security and outlines tops to help people protect their information as well as the steps to take if you become a victim. This is a character piece intended to show you care, help your clients take a proactive approach to protecting their information online and empower them to take steps to resolve the issue if their information is stolen.

Speaking of technology, if you’re like most people, you likely rely on your smartphone to capture the memories you create everyday with your family and friends. In fact, most photos taken today are taken with a mobile device. Since smartphones make it so easy to take photos, more photos are taken today than have been taken ever before. The question is: what can we do with all those photos afterward? The Alternate Marketing Flyer outlines tips to help people organize their photos, including the hundreds you may have stored on your phone, and also provides information about several services that can turn your digital photos into lasting memories to display in your home or office. This is a character piece to show your clients you care.

Pop-By Ideas

  • A box of candy or chocolates.
  • A Valentine that says how much you appreciate their business.
  • A cold/flu season survival kit with Theraflu, tissues and hand sanitizer.
  • Bring your A+ clients their favorite warm beverage or snack food.
  • A winter survival kit with antifreeze, a window scraper or snow brush.

What to Say: Follow-up Calls


“If you’re like many people, you may pay your bills, shop, communicate and more online. Although the internet makes doing all of these things more convenient, it may also make it easier for tech-savvy thieves to steal your information. The information I sent this month is intended to help you take a proactive approach to protecting your personal information.Remember, I’m never too busy for your referrals and would be happy to follow up with them.”


“Smartphones make it easy to take photos and capture memories wherever you are; however, if you’re like many people, you may take the photo and forget about it until you get the urge to organize and backup your photos. The information I sent this month is intended to give you strategies and motivation to organize your digital photos, from those on your phone to those you may have uploaded to a flash drive in the past. Remember, I’m never too busy for your referrals and would be happy to follow up with them.”


Brian Buffini’s Success Tour 2018 Launches in February

Don’t miss Brian Buffini’s Success Tour when it launches in Anaheim on February 6th and 7th. This year’s theme, “Finding your Acre of Diamonds” is sure to help you discover your gifts, hone your skills and build a lasting, successful business. Special guest, retired professional basketball player, Walter Bond will inspire people to make this their best year. Click here to reserve your spot, either in-person or online, today.

Buffini & Company

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