Buffini & Company Blog

Perspective, Push, Belief

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Stay motivated, hit your goals and get the most out of 2016. It all starts now…

The New Year is an exciting time. It’s a time of hope and opportunity. It’s time of new beginnings and fresh starts.

You have some compelling goals and you’re ready to get after it. You’re ready to make this year your best year yet.


What happens when you hit the roadblocks? Yes, you will hit roadblocks this year.

What happens when the exciting New Year becomes just like the last year? Yes, the excitement will wane.

What happens when hope and opportunity become frustration and obligation? Yes, that will happen this year.

When that happens you need to lean into your coach. Your coach will provide perspective, a push and belief.


It’s important to keep the perspective that in the pursuit of your goals things will get tough, roadblocks will appear. Everyone who achieves faces challenges. It is part of the game. It is a coaches’ job to provide perspective.

John Wooden is almost universally regarded as the best college basketball coach in the history of the game. The Sporting News called him the best coach ever – in any sport, college or pro. He won a record 10 national championships over a 12-year span at UCLA.

Consider this perspective on his success:

  • It took Wooden 29 years to win his first title.
  • When he took over at UCLA in 1948 he was promised a new basketball facility within three years – he didn’t get it until 1965.
  • His teams were eliminated from the NCAA tournament in the first round in 1950, 1952, 1956 and 1963.
  • In 1959 he had his worst year ever as a coach, barely winning more games than he lost.
  • In 1963 he had the worst tournament record of any coach to take his team to the tournament that year.
  • The next year he won his first National Championship.

[box]A Push[/box]

Racecar driver Mario Andretti once said, “If you don’t feel out of control, you’re not going fast enough.” You’re capable of more than you think you are. To achieve your goals, you’ll need to push outside of your comfort zone. Your coach will help you rig the game in your favor, so small, intentional steps will pay big dividends. Push you, just a little – just enough.


When things get tough, you’ll need to maintain belief in yourself. During the pursuit of your goal you’ll want to quit. There will be times when things get tough, when the world seems to be conspiring against you and you’ll lose belief. Your coach never will.

Your coach will maintain belief in your goal, in your ability to achieve it. Most importantly, your coach will maintain belief in you. And he or she will rekindle your belief in yourself.

For an example of how a coach can rekindle your belief in yourself watch this story of Buffini & Company Member, Vivienne Kaseno…

Your Best Year Ever

A goal achieved without effort is rarely worthwhile. Your coach will help you maintain perspective, push you when needed and believe in you when things get tough. Remember, it’s a New Year. Excitement is in the air. It’s a fresh start with new opportunities and we want you to get the most out. Your coach is here to help!

Want to learn more? Click Here, to sign up for a free one-hour coaching session!


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