Buffini & Company Blog

Quick Tips toward Consistent Communication

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Our daily lives and routines have shifted (more than once) and our “new normal” is in constant flux. It’s natural for stress levels to rise and to rely on our trusted protector, anxiety, to keep us safe while we face uncertainty.

As we look forward to a healthy world while doing our part to flatten the curve, here are some ideas to make your anxiety work for you by considering what you can change and control and what we can’t.

Not only will this help you to get calm and stay focused, it may inspire others around you to do the same.

Choose your attitude. First things first, we know that the current pandemic produces anxiety. No one knows how long it will be until we can look back at COVID-19 or what “looking back” will mean. That’s why we focus on what we can control, our attitude.

A good attitude is one choice that we can all make to dramatically improve our work and our personal lives. Plus, a good attitude builds relationships and opens doors to success.

Cultivate your good attitude by making a conscious effort to stay positive and to maintain a resilient attitude.

Practice gratitude. In the last few decades, several studies on gratitude show that feeling grateful boosts your happiness and can reduce pain, stress and insomnia.  

Several practices will help you focus on gratitude. One of the best is to write about it. In a randomized controlled trial, “people who kept gratitude journals or wrote gratitude letters to people they had never properly thanked reported feeling happier and had significantly better health than those in the other treatment groups.”

You can use this as an opportunity to grow your business. Grab your stack of notecards and let your clients and leads know that you appreciate them with a handwritten note.

Slow down your communication. Smile and the world smiles with you. However, now that we are all wearing masks, the world can’t see your smile and may or may not be smiling back.

This is certainly an awkward phenomenon. People have relied on facial expressions to understand one another and today, we are losing a lot of that information when we can’t see each other’s faces to get non-verbal clues.

The good news is that we can choose to pause and to ask people for clarification. According to Mary Inman, a psychology professor at Hope College, this important step may slow down communication a little but, it will help you to understand the intentions of anyone you come into contact with.

You can choose how you show-up in today’s world. When you do, let us help you to market yourself effectively with Buffini & Company’s Referral Maker PRO system.

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