Sales & Marketing Insights
Did you know the real estate market is expected to grow by about 10% next year? Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Bold Predictions, 2025 Real Estate Market Outlook, now available on-demand. Watch now.
Hi, I’m Terri King, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Buffini & Company, and I’d like to welcome you to our Sales & Marketing blog. We’re excited to be here! Our plan is to share best practices, ideas and free resources to boost your sales and marketing efforts, as well as keep you informed about powerful new programs we’re creating to help you succeed.
When I joined Buffini & Company in 2007, I was immediately inspired by the success stories I heard from our clients. One man told me how he had driven to a Brian Buffini event “on a half tank of gas and a lot of hope,” and today he was proudly running a thriving, profitable business. Another woman excitedly shared that her income had doubled, she was debt-free and she’d lost 40 pounds – the Buffini system had transformed her life! Over the years, I’ve had the honor of meeting thousands of business owners who are celebrating their success and building a business they can depend on. The secret to their success? Using our proven system for working by referral. It works!
Everyone needs a system
You know, technology is always evolving and we’re more connected than ever before. Our devices are always on and demanding our attention. Staying in touch with people should be easier than ever, yet in many respects, we’re more disconnected. How do you deal with it all? How do you organize the chaos? They key is to have a system. It helps organize your day into manageable pieces and it helps you consistently tackle the important daily tasks that will get you results. Having a system can help you achieve all of your business and life goals. Here at Buffini & Company, we’ve helped thousands of people conquer the chaos to build a rock-solid business using our sales and marketing systems. We’ll share many of those great strategies in this blog!
Help yourself to some free resources
By the way, in case you haven’t seen it yet, we launched the Buffini & Company Resources Hub on our website a few months ago. We’ve made some of our “tried-and-true” resources available and posted a collection of brand-new infographics, eBooks and videos. Be sure to check it out!
It’s an exciting time here at Buffini & Company, and even after 19 years in this industry it feels like we’re just getting started. So join me to stay plugged in and up-to-date on the new initiatives we have planned. As always, if you know of a real estate professional or small business owner that would benefit from the systems we teach and the training we provide, please give us a call with their name and number at 1-800-945-3485 x4. We’re never too busy for your referrals!
Well, I just wanted to introduce myself and say hello. I look forward to continuing to serve this incredible community. Talk soon!
It’s a good life!