Buffini & Company Blog

The Secret to Personal Growth

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Have you ever left a seminar fueled with inspiration and motivation to change your life and then—poof—nothing happened? Or, perhaps you read a book by one of the legends—Napoleon Hill or Earl Nightingale—and your life continued to be the same? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, the world is full of people with the best intentions to change their lives, but have difficulty following through with it.

Be the change

While attending real estate seminars and reading books is a good start, it’s not enough. Many people feel that just showing up will transform their lives into the one they wish to lead. The truth is, showing up only gives you the tools to change. Once you have these tools, it’s your responsibility to put them to work in your life and make the change from the inside.

But, you’re still not done. Since personal growth and development is a continuous process, it’s important to continue to polish who you are. As times change, you may need to sharpen the tools you have or add a few more to your toolbox. Personal growth and development is a continuous process that only ends when your heart stops.

The biggest mistake people make is they show up to an event and read an inspirational book and expect their lives to magically change; as if once they’re finished, they can jump up and scream, “I’m transformed!” without putting in the work thereafter.

The best example is the Earl Nightingale’s classic, “The Strangest Secret,” a recording that initially inspired salespeople, but subsequently influenced millions of regular people during the 1950s and 1960s. Its timeless principles continue to influence people. While many understand its message and are inspired by it, they neglect to put in the work to make it a reality in their own lives.

3 tips to put growth into action

Take the tools you’ve learned and put in the work to change your life. Here’s how:

  1. Set goals. If you’re serious about changing your life, set a specific goal to do so. For example, if you want to lose weight, set a goal to “lose 10 pounds by September” and then create a plan to make it happen. Stay motivated to reach your goal by setting milestones to reach along the way and reviewing your overall goal periodically.
  2. Learn more about the people who influenced your mentors and teachers. The legends of personal development were influenced by those who came before them. Often, they’ll mention who within their books or presentations. When you hear a name, write it down and make it a point to research them, their lives and their work. They may offer even more lessons and tools to apply to your own life.
  3. Never stop learning. A true master is a perpetual student. Set aside at least 15 minutes each day to read, listen or watch something personal growth-related. Then, set an intention to put what you learned into action that day.

Not sure where to start? Listen to episode #107 of It’s a Good Life and enjoy an inspiring conversation between Brian Buffini and Diana Nightingale, wife of personal growth legend Earl Nightingale. Did you know Earl Nightingale was heavily influenced by Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich?” In fact, it was six simple words within that book that prompted Earl to realize the answer to a question that had been plaguing him for decades. What was it? Click here to listen.

Buffini & Company

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