Buffini & Company Blog

Shifting Your Social Media Game in Times of Crisis

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

Social media is such a powerful tool, especially in a time when stay-at-home orders have everyone spending more time online. It’s important to use this tool wisely, especially during times of crisis.

Take a few moments to audit your own social media game – have you been providing your relationships with value? Or have you been posting about your own fear and negativity?

In these trying times, it is easy to let stress impact the way we post and interact with others online. To prevent this from happening, you have to create a solid real estate social media strategy for times of crisis. Be intentional about what you post, and shift your social media game to provide value to your connections.

Provide Valuable Information

In turbulent times, people need reliable facts they can trust. When it comes to the state of the housing market and economy right now, there is a ton of misinformation out there. Devote part of your social media strategy to posting market updates from the sources you trust.

  • Share blogs, podcasts and articles that are vetted, and offer some context in your post description as to why you trust it.
  • Consider hosting a Facebook Live or Zoom call weekly to go over the latest market updates so your followers can ask questions in real time.

If you’re looking for a great podcast right now to share, “It’s a Good Life” has just the right mix of real estate news and inspiration to keep you and your relationships motivated and informed.

Look for Opportunities to Serve

Instead of passively liking posts or whipping right by them when you scroll through your feed, actively seek out opportunities to serve those relationships. See if there’s a way you can brighten someone’s day or make life a little easier. For example …

  • If a client has a high school student who’s upset over a cancelled graduation ceremony, put together a gift basket and drop it at their door.
  • When a family with small children posts about how they’ve run out of things to do with the kids — ship them some games from Amazon, or send them some online activities for the family to try.
  • Tip: Remember to always include a personal note!

You can still serve your clients during this crisis by paying attention to what they’re saying on social media!

Strengthen Connections Offline 

Chances are there are several relationships on your social media who you may have lost touch with over the years. Use this time to reconnect with them and check in to see how they’re doing.

  • When a post pops up from a person you’d like to reconnect with, comment, like or send them a private message.
  • Let them know you’re thinking about them, and suggest a catch-up call or video chat — conversations like these are often refreshing and welcomed!
  • As always, follow up with a personal note to thank them for the time and great conversation.

Once the crisis passes, these folks will remember that you reached out. Not only will you have rekindled an old friendship, but you may also pave the way for some referrals or future business.

Remember, in times of crisis, your real estate social media strategy should shift so that you can be a beacon of light for those around you. Avoid negativity on social media, and instead, prioritize content and interactions that strengthen your relationships with friends, family and clients.

We’re here for you! For more tips, inspiration and advice on how to navigate the real estate industry during these unprecedented times, visit the Buffini Bonus Resources for ideas.

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