Buffini & Company Blog

Strengthen Your Relationships with “The Brian Buffini Show” Podcast

Strengthen Your Relationships with the “The Brian Buffini Show” Podcast

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

As an agent who works by referral, you know the importance of the three Cs: Contact, Care and Community.  Calling on your favorite clients, writing notes and making Pop-Bys are just some examples of how you can achieve the three C’s. But, have you ever thought about how you can take something that you know works for you and help your clients in a way they never thought a real estate agent could provide?

If you’ve listened to “It’s a Good Life” podcast, chances are you have walked away feeling inspired, motivated and encouraged to achieve your next set of goals. Or, perhaps you listened to an episode that resonated with a “season” you are experiencing in life. Why not use this podcast which you already tune in to every Tuesday as a resource to share with the people you serve? Here are three ways you can use “It’s a Good Life” podcast to connect with your clients:

  1. Start a Conversation. For some agents, not knowing what to say can be terrifying. You are committed to making you calls but at a loss on what to talk about. Consider the person you are about to call and see if there’s an episode from “It’s a Good Life” that resonated with you. Did you hear something so profound it was simple? By sharing what you heard on a podcast, you are providing them with a resource while also sending a weekly reminder of your character, affirming why you are the best agent out there.

  2. Circle Back After a Conversation. The podcast is the perfect way to re-initiate a conversation you had with a client. As you establish relationships with the folks in your database, you start to learn and remember their interests. For some it might be business and finances. For others it might be sports or entertainment. Whatever it is that interests your clients, there is an episode from “It’s a Good Life” podcast for everyone. If you finish a podcast and think one of your clients will enjoy it, share it with them!

  3. Encourage Your Clients: Ever finish a conversation or left a Pop-By with a client who shared a personal story? As you know, you aren’t just helping your clients buy and sell their homes — you can also become a confidant or trusted advisor. “The It’s a Good Life” podcast is filled with methodologies, mindsets and motivation meant to help others succeed. If you think an episode can help one of your clients who’s going through a tough time, share an episode with them.

The next time you are listening to “It’s a Good Life” podcast, think about who could benefit from the episode, and share it with them. Passing along helpful, thoughtful information will not only keep you top of mind but also make you stand out from the crowd.

Tune in every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app to catch the next episode. You can also visit itsagoodlife.com to listen, learn more and grab quotes to guide your next client conversation.

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