Buffini & Company Blog

Success in The New Normal: Adapt, Innovate and Celebrate

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

The past year has been anything but normal, especially when it comes to the real estate market. In a recent Facebook Live, real estate leader Brian Buffini discussed the importance of adapting, innovating and celebrating the “new normal” that has begun to take shape.

With a bit of momentum, real estate agents will find confidence and success as they navigate uncharted waters.

Real Estate’s New Normal

This is a historic real estate market that has never been seen before. The global pandemic is the backdrop for record migration, pent-up demand, low supply and increasing inflation.

Even so, Brian Buffini explains that this is not a market bust. Despite the home rising prices, down payments are increasing, and many repeat buyers are paying cash. Couple that with low supply, and you’re looking at a lucrative (albeit competitive) real estate market.

In this hot market, Brian reminds agents to emphasize facts over fears and to keep clients informed with relevant market data from trusted experts.

Adapting to Change

Over the past 15 months, many people have experienced a state of homeostasis. This is the tendency to resist change in order to keep a stable relatively constant internal environment.

Basically, we’ve gotten too comfortable, and that can hinder us from advancing in the new normal. To power through these moments, Brian explains that we must accept change as inevitable and find our momentum.

Identify how you can adapt and innovate to your new circumstances — and remember, a little discomfort can be a good thing!

Celebrate the New Normal

In order to truly launch yourself and your business into the new normal, you must find ways to celebrate it. Understand that it may take more effort to get yourself going again, and that’s okay. Take this journey one step at a time — celebrations of smaller moments will eventually add up!

If you feel yourself getting caught up in the emotions of major changes around you, consider starting a journal. Use it to process events, but also make sure to write down what you are grateful for. Focus on the silver linings of what’s unfolding in order to change your outlook and your happiness.

For more tips, tricks and strategies on understanding and celebrating the new normal, watch Brian Buffini’s full Facebook Live broadcast. Stick around for the Q&A session at the end for some extra guidance and motivation! 

Want an accountability partner to help you navigate and succeed in the new normal? Get a real estate coach! Sign up for a free business consultation today to learn how Buffini & Company One2One Coaching™ can transform your business.

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