Buffini & Company Blog

Summertime Surge: I smell eggs!

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“You do not like them, so you say. Try them, try them, and you may. Try them and you may, I say.”

– Dr. Seuss

Yes, I am referring to calls, notes and Pop-Bys. Lead generation activities are often the green eggs and ham of the coaching floor… and us coaches? We are Sam-I-Am.

Would you, could you, for six weeks?

The Summertime Surge begins June 11th. It’s a great opportunity to reconnect with your lead generation. This time of year, it’s completely normal to have become consumed by the needs of your active clients. In theory, you spent all of 4th Quarter 2017 and 1st Quarter 2018 creating this spring bloom of transactions. Good on ya! That is why we made this program.

Please play along with me. Pull out your calendar. Scan from June to the end of July. Do you want to uncover more need for your services in the marketplace? Here are three things you can do to assess your readiness for the blitz:

  • Calendar out your big rocks: family time, vacations, personal time, kids’ activities and social life
  • Make notes on your calendar for the service pieces for serving your active clients: showings, escrow deadlines, meetings already set, etc.
  • Draw a box around the six weeks in your calendar. Can you realistically see yourself following through with the activities? Would you, could you, check the box?

Great, then let’s have some fun! In fact, let’s put the FUN back in FUNdamentals!

“Play is the highest form of research” — Albert Einstein

Consider thinking about the regimented approach to checking off a to-do list as fun! It is a way to merrily connect with your database and current clients. It is a social experiment. What is the worst that could happen?

Honestly, if someone doesn’t know you well enough to have a conversation with you over the phone, or out at coffee, they don’t know you well enough to refer you. When your Sam-I-Am coach asks you to call your database, it’s about connecting first and foremost. Just. Start. There.

“Hi, how are you and who are you?”

You can do that. You can ask someone about their day/ kids/ job/ and really listen. Then ask a follow-up question related to what they just said. Everyone just wants to be listened to and appreciated. After all, you do genuinely care… we know because we have your Heritage Profile

“Humans need humans.” —Scott Stratten

Your database doesn’t read minds and frankly, most people don’t really know what a Realtor does. It is up to you to tell them. That’s why us coaches emphasize asking for referrals. We want you to be able to talk about yourself and what you do. We want you to be able to share what is going on in your market and explain what the market needs.

People need to be told what you are looking for/ how to appreciate you/ that you even want business! You are an advocate for homeownership, an educator about an industry vital to the US and Canadian economy. You are a purveyor of one of humankind’s basic needs: SHELTER. You are important. You keep people from quitting on themselves when they want to move.

As you head into the Blitz, consider doing the activities. Maybe even do all of them! What might happen? Could you find two more people to help buy or sell? Four? Eight?

“Try it, try it, and you may. Try it and you may, I say.” It’s only six weeks.

It’s a good life!

Lindsey Zimmer

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