Buffini & Company Blog

Take Control of Your Financial Future

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

Financial security is part of living the good life. The more control you have over your finances, the better equipped you are to handle changes in the economy or unexpected circumstances. The Marketing Flyers and eReports this month provide an overview of information to help you take control of your finances, get out of debt and plan your estate.

What’s in the Box?

Any time is a great time to take charge of your financial future. Only 39% of Americans and 47% of Canadians have enough money in savings to cover at least three months of expenses.1,2 The U.S. and Canadian Marketing Flyers offer timeless tips and strategies to help your clients achieve financial freedom. Whether they want to save more of what they earn or get out of debt once and for all, these valuable pointers will help them take control of their finances so they can live the good life. This is a character piece that shows you care and also gives you an opportunity to discuss the market with your clients.

If you own a home, are planning to buy a home or have other investments, estate planning helps you protect your assets after your death. The Alternate Marketing Flyer provides an overview of the most common options available to help your clients plan their estates. This is a character piece that shows your clients that you care and also allows you to discuss the market and homeownership with your clients.

Have you signed up for Brian Buffini’s Success Tour yet?

You have two more opportunities to catch Brian Buffini’s Success Tour this year. Brian and crew head to Fort Worth October 12 – 13 and up to Toronto November 30 – December 1. Don’t miss football legend Emmitt Smith and innovative leadership expert Peter Sheahan. Click here to register today.

Source: 1. MarketWatch, January 31, 2015
2. BMO, September 8, 2014

Buffini & Company

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