Buffini & Company Blog

Ten Activities to Help Quarantine Fly By

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Perhaps you’ve already organized the garage, cleaned the basement and watched every TV show you’ve been meaning to get to for the past several years. If you’re now desperately seeking an outside-of-the-box way to entertain yourself and your family for the rest of your time in self-isolation, try some of these fresh ideas.

1. Take a Virtual Family Outing

Many attractions across the world are bringing fun to families through the web. Famous zoos and museums are hosting interactive tours online. Popular travel site Airbnb has launched live online experiences, so you can meditate with monks, learn to Irish dance or catch an at-home concert in Argentina. Whatever adventure you choose, this is sure to liven up the rest of your time in quarantine.

2. Learn a New Language

How many years have you been trying to pick back up the language you studied in high school? Now is the perfect time to do so! Duolingo is one great language learning app that makes the process fun and easy. By the time COVID-19 subsides, you’ll have picked up a new skill!

3. Cook With the Kids

Let each of your kids find a recipe in a cookbook or online that you’d like to try. Help them run the show! Gather up the ingredients and get everyone involved with cooking, setting the table and helping with clean up.

4. Create a Fort

This “fort” could also become a nice quiet place for reflection. Make it soft and inviting, with pillows and blankets in the coziest corner of your home. This is a great place for kids to read or catch up on school work — and hey, parents are welcome to relax here too!

5. Have a Virtual Coffee Chat

Take your friendship coffee date and take it online! Invite a friend you haven’t caught up with in a while to a FaceTime, Zoom or any type of video conference. Have a cup of coffee or tea on hand and find out what’s new in their life. Try to chat with a different friend or family member each week!

6. Theme Night

Pick a theme, any theme, and let that guide your night! Whether you want to become pirates, superheroes or princesses for the evening, encourage everyone in your household to dress like these characters. Eat something they would eat, watch a relevant movie to set the vibe or play a game on that theme. You’ll be surprised at how fun this one can get!

7. Dessert Bake-Off

You too can create an episode of the Netflix show “Nailed It.” In the show, average people compete to create fancy meals and desserts – bring the competition to your home and challenge your kids to a dessert bake-off! Pick an aesthetically-pleasing Pinterest cake and see who can do it the most (or the least) justice.

8. Start a Sewing Project

There is a great need for personal protective equipment right now, both for healthcare workers and other essential workers. Try your hand at sewing if you have the materials and the capability, and create masks for these folks! You could also donate to local homeless shelters, as there are plenty of individuals in need right now.

9. Start a Gratitude Journal

This is a great habit to pick up moving forward! Each night or each morning, make it a habit to write what you’re grateful for. You can look back and reflect on it to be reminded of everything you have to appreciate in life, especially when the going gets tough!

10. Make a Vision Board

Visually portray your dreams on a poster board or piece of paper. Gather up your art supplies and old magazines, and look for images and pictures that portray your dreams. Decide what you want to accomplish, paste it on the board and let it serve as a reminder of what you are working toward!

Social distancing has been so critical toward reducing the spread of COVID-19. As you continue to stay home, try these ideas to brighten up your days! For more tips, inspiration and advice on how to navigate the real estate industry during these unprecedented times, visit the Buffini Bonus Resources for ideas.

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