The Blessing of Work

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In today’s world, work is seen as something to be endured, not enjoyed. Unfortunately, people often get stuck in jobs they dislike because they lack self-control and want instant gratification. Instead of being a blessing, something that enhances life, work becomes a curse – something they have to do because they’re saddled with debt and their economic choices are limited.
The truth is, when it’s done in the right way, work offers far more than just financial rewards – it’s the key to the good life. Here’s how you should approach your work to really get the most out of it:
In whatever job you do, you have to hustle. This term sometimes has negative connotations but, when it’s applied in a positive and engaging way, it simply means that you bring energy, passion and focus to the work that you do. Don’t shy away from hard work, lean into it and you will stand head and shoulders above the rest. You will also encounter much more opportunity! As Thomas Edison once said, “Opportunity is missed by most people because it’s dressed in overalls and looks a lot like work.”
Do more than they pay you for
If your work philosophy is to do the least amount possible, you will not get very far. To really succeed, you have to give your work all of your effort and commitment. Do more than is required or asked of you. Remember – it’s not about making it easy for you; it’s about making it better for everyone else. If you go above and beyond to ensure that others have a great experience, you always do the unexpected extras and you consistently serve at the highest levels, it will pay off in the long run and you will be rewarded.
Focus on your legacy
When you view work as a blessing and not a curse, you positively impact those who come after you. Sam Ewing once said, “Hard work spotlights the character of people. Some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses and some don’t turn up at all.” Let your work ethic be an inspiration and motivation for others. True success doesn’t happen overnight, it’s the result of drive, determination and dedication over the long haul. By setting a positive example of how work can help you live the good life, you will be a positive role model for everyone around you.
To learn more about the blessings of work, listen to the latest episode of It’s a Good Life.