Buffini & Company Blog

The DNA of an Entrepreneur

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As an entrepreneur, you’ll encounter many highs and lows on your journey to success. There will be mistakes and failures along the way, but overcoming these difficulties will ultimately be the making of you. Here’s how to deal with the tough challenges – and come out on top.

Be a possibility thinker

Successful entrepreneurs believe that the future can be better than today, and that they can do something about it. They’re always on the lookout for the positives in a situation and they’re constantly searching for ways to make improvements. When they notice a problem, they don’t get downhearted – they get excited about uncovering the solution!

Be a creative problem solver

Author Charles Swindoll once said, “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.” When it comes to setbacks, successful entrepreneurs think outside the box. They get creative about solving problems that arise, figuring out how to make things work with a relentless optimism and conviction that they can make things better. Most of all, they never say die!

Take calculated risks

Risk is an essential part of life – and an essential part of entrepreneurship. Successful entrepreneurs aren’t careless in their risk-taking, they’re calculated. Before they make a move, they assemble a plan, build a forecast and then get feedback from people they trust. They’re not afraid of risk, but they do fear the status quo because that’s when decline happens.

Be willing to suffer for what you believe in 

When you really believe in something, you’re passionate about it. When you think of passion, you might naturally think of joy and love, but passion can also require some hardship. In fact, the Latin term for passion – paseo – means suffering! As an entrepreneur, you’re going to be tested with problems and difficulties. This is when your passion will come into play. Your passion will inspire your vision, fuel your commitment, help you to take calculated risks and push you to innovate. It will also help you suffer through hard times and come back fighting. 

Be the believer in chief

Motivational speaker Jon Gordon once said, “So often the difference between success and failure is belief. Belief leads to action and execution.” As an entrepreneur, you have to believe in what you’re doing if you want to succeed. You must work hard, stick with it and believe that with effort, planning, persistence and the right strategy, you will prevail. 

Transfer your belief to your team and customers

Believing in what you’re doing isn’t enough – you must infuse your team and your customers with that belief too. As Warren Buffett once said, “Focus on your customer and lead your people as though their lives depend on your success.”

All successful entrepreneurs have certain unique qualities that help them to overcome the challenges they experience and come out on top. To learn more about the special traits that the most successful entrepreneurs share, listen to the latest episode of “It’s a Good Life”.

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