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The Elimination of Doubt

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We all experience self-doubt sometimes. The human fight or flight instinct can definitely be a useful response when you’re genuinely fearful or in danger, but the problem occurs when doubt starts to rob you of your purpose and leaves you feeling paralyzed and unable to make even the smallest of decisions. Here’s how you can reduce doubt, take decisive action and achieve phenomenal success today:

Find the source

When you make a mistake or a poor decision, you have to remember it’s not the end of the world. We all make decisions we regret – the goal is for them not to be cataclysmic! The key to overcoming recurring or crippling doubt is to reflect on your decisions. Take some time for self-examination. What was your thought process? What led you to make the choices you did? When you find the source, you can learn and move forward.

Learn your triggers

When you experience self-doubt, take a breath and try to identify what triggered it. Can you pinpoint the chain of events that led a passing thought to become a more strongly-held belief that nothing will work out or that you’re doomed to fail? Your triggers are your teachers, so if you want to eliminate self-doubt it’s crucial to shine a light on them. 

Identify your motivation

When faced with fear and doubt, you need to know your true North so that you can be comfortable with the outcome, whatever happens. What truly motivates you? What are you really trying to achieve? If you know your motivation, you’ll be happy with the decision you make, no matter what. 

Take action

When you’re struggling to come to a decision and find yourself over-analyzing or excessively procrastinating, sometimes the best thing to do is just take action! Action is phenomenal because it reduces doubt in your mind, it gets results and it ultimately produces confidence. Don’t overthink, act.

Make it massive

Former British Prime Minister David Lloyd George once said, ‘Don’t be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated. You can’t cross a chasm in two small jumps.’ When it comes to making big decisions, of course you have to do your homework. Get advice and feedback from your coach or trusted mentor but, once you’ve decided on your strategy, go all in!

Make it better

Just because you’ve made a decision doesn’t mean you can’t ever improve on it. First you put it in place, then you make it better. As Mark Twain said, ‘Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection.’

To learn more about getting rid of the fear and self-doubt in your life, listen to the latest episode of “It’s a Good Life” today.

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