Buffini & Company Blog

The Importance of Struggle

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No-one wants to experience adversity in life, but it’s also true that the challenges we face can very often be the making of us. Struggle is a great teacher and, when we’re prepared for it, we can learn to conquer it and even enjoy it.

You need struggle to grow

For a caterpillar to become a butterfly it has to go through several very difficult stages. Ironically, it’s that extremely tough transition that ultimately prepares and strengthens the butterfly for flight. In life, when we try to eliminate struggle, we can never make that transformation from caterpillar to butterfly. If we avoid every challenge and difficulty, we will never grow, survive or thrive at the next level. The fact is, you have to go through a life and death struggle if you want to learn how to fly.

Struggle helps you step out of your comfort zone

It’s very easy to get stuck in a routine where everything is cozy and comfortable and you don’t have to stretch. Struggle forces you out of your comfort zone and helps you to grow. When you experience struggle once, you’re more prepared to tackle and conquer it again, no matter how big or daunting the challenge might be. The key is to set goals that will stretch you and then step out with intention and conviction, knowing that every difficulty you face with courage will make you stronger. As Jack Canfield once said, “Most everything you want is just outside your comfort zone.”

Struggle helps you to embrace the grind

In today’s fast-paced environment, it can be hard to juggle all of your daily demands. Your to-do list can feel never-ending and it can seem like there just aren’t enough hours in the day to achieve what you want to. The secret to success is to be found in your daily routine – if you want to succeed, the main focus of your day has to be lead generation. Are you diligently doing your calls, notes and pop-by’s? Yes, it can sometimes feel like a grind ticking off all of these daily activities but, if you embrace the grind, completing these will become second nature and you’ll reap the rewards in a steady stream of high-quality referrals and a business that will last the test of time. Remember, we have to do the hard things to get to easy street!

Struggle is part and parcel of the good life – in fact, it’s vital to success! To learn more about how you can prepare for it, conquer it and ultimately benefit from it tune in to the latest episode of “It’s a Good Life”.  

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