Buffini & Company Blog

The Nudge You Need

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Are you stuck in your comfort zone? Do you find it hard to push yourself? If you feel like you’re not making any progress in your business or your life, you probably need a nudge to get you back on track. Here’s how you can propel yourself forward and achieve phenomenal success:

Find birds of a feather

As the old saying goes, birds of a feather flock together – so if you want to fly with eagles, you can’t hang out with turkeys! It’s been proven that you’ll become as successful as the people you spend most time with, so choose your associations very carefully and make sure to surround yourself with folks who want what you do and inspire you to work to reach your goals, not settle for less than you’re capable of achieving.

Get training and coaching

If you seek out and partake in high-quality training and coaching, you’ll be constantly exposed to the necessary nudge to develop, improve and reach your potential. A coach or a mentor will help you to perform at your best, refine your core skills and be consistent like never before. All the top sportspeople have a coach in their corner to train and motivate them, so why shouldn’t you? After all, as John Wooden once said, “A good coach can change a game, a great coach can change a life.”

Encourage others

We all do better together than apart so when you’re on the road to success, take someone in the carpool lane with you. When that person wants to achieve just as much as you do and is willing to put in the work required, there’s nothing more rewarding than being the encouraging nudge they need. As Zig Ziglar once said, “When you encourage others, you are in the process of being encouraged yourself because you’re making a commitment to that person’s life.”

It’s very easy to get stuck in your comfort zone. It’s easier still to find an excuse for a lack of progress. But if you want to get back on the road to success, you need to build relationships with likeminded people, get ongoing coaching and training to grow and develop and then help others to be successful too. To learn more about what you can do to get in forward motion and reach your goals, listen to the latest episode of “It’s a Good Life”.

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