Buffini & Company Blog

The Two Most Powerful Words in Business

A girl making heart shape with her hand to show love

Did you know the real estate market is expected to grow by about 10% next year? Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Bold Predictions, 2025 Real Estate Market Outlook, now available on-demand. Watch now.

In a world where entitlement is commonplace and a simple ‘thank you’ is often absent in interactions with other people, expressing gratitude is more important than ever before. Here’s how you can develop an attitude of gratitude, make a positive and lasting impact on others and achieve phenomenal success in business and in life:  

Make it automatic

Your expressions of gratitude to other people should be so automatic that you don’t even have to think about them. Whether it’s to a server in a restaurant, a colleague you work with or even a family member, when you appreciate what someone does for you, you must train yourself to express it automatically. As author William Arthur Ward said, “Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” When you feel thankful, make sure you vocalize the sentiment!   

Make it personal

When you’re thanking someone, try to make it extra-special and memorable by using their name. As Dale Carnegie, acclaimed author of ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People,’ said, “Remember that a person’s name to that person is the sweetest and most important sound in any language.” Whenever possible, look someone in the eye and use their name – your expression of gratitude will mean even more to them.

Make an impact

An attitude of gratitude changes everything about you – it expands your heart and helps you to realize that you’re not the center of the universe! To experience a sea change in your mindset, try starting every day with a prayer of gratitude and then consistently expressing thanks to your family, colleagues and those you interact with as much as you can. Those small, simple steps will have a huge impact and your business and life will improve beyond measure.

One of the best ways to express gratitude is by writing a personal note. With bills and junk mail piling up, who doesn’t love to receive a handwritten note? Nothing in your career will cost less money, take less time and build a bigger fortune than the written expression of gratitude. Whether it’s to say thanks, reestablish contact, or just make someone’s day, personal notes deepen your personal and professional relationships, show you care and help you stand out from the competition. Here at Buffini & Company, we help our clients send thousands of personal notes each year. They know that an attitude of gratitude is the key to success and absolutely essential to the good life! Why not schedule a free consultation today to find out more?

It’s A Good Life

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