Buffini & Company Blog

Thorough Preparation Makes It’s Own Luck

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

The Boy Scout motto is “Be Prepared.”  I like to think this motto also works for Buffini Groups. The more prepared you are, the better experience you’ll have. You see, Buffini Groups aren’t just about receiving great support from like minded Members but also giving great support. The best way to be supportive in your Group is to come fully prepared each month.

DSC_1112What does preparation look like?

This may sound a bit simplistic but it’s what I know to be true: Do. The. Work.  Watch the BuffiniTV episode and go through the monthly assignment ahead of time. If you don’t watch the episode or look at the assignment sheet for that month’s meeting you are doing yourself and your group a disservice.  You will be amazed at how the level of synergy and quality discussion is directly affected by the amount of preparation each member takes prior to coming together as a group. 

Big Ideas, Big Results

Another important way to prepare for your monthly meeting is to decide which idea you are going to share during the Idea Exchange. This is one of my favorite benefits of being in a Buffini Group. If you’re going to share a Pop-By idea, be sure to bring a physical example to show as well as the cost per unit and any referrals or transaction you received as a result. Client Party ideas are another popular topic during the exchange. Save some photos of invites and other collateral from the party in addition to actual photos of the event on your smart phone, tablet or computer. You can pass them around as you share, to give your fellow members a better vision of how your party was planned.

If you aren’t already a Member of a Buffini Group, I highly encourage you to join one.  It’s a benefit of your Membership that you definitely want to take advantage of.  

Sharing the Good Life!

Melanie Eric

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