Buffini & Company Blog

Are Your Thoughts Holding You Back?

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Success involves more than hard work; in fact, our thoughts have more influence over success than we realize or will even admit. You can work yourself to the bone in pursuit of success, but you won’t get there if you think you’ll fail or your idea is terrible or you’re just not smart/rich/lucky enough to succeed in the first place. Although we seek to change our circumstances, we often don’t want to put in the work necessary to change our lives, and that “work” involves changing our thoughts. Why?

We’re too busy. Between work and personal commitments, we’re too busy rushing around to the next thing to even acknowledge our thoughts in the first place.

We’re too distracted. The rare free moments we do have we often spend scrolling social media. While technology makes it easier to connect with friends and loved ones and keep up with what’s going on in the world, it also makes it easier to zone out and become dependent on the immediate gratification of our gadgets to make us happy. We’re bombarded with negativity every time we scroll—it’s no wonder pessimism has become so pervasive!

So, what can we do when we find ourselves thinking “goofy” thoughts? Choose how to handle it. Yes, we always have a choice in how we react to things, whether we read it online or it occurs in real-time.

  1. Don’t become attached. Just because you think it, doesn’t mean you have to absorb it. Think about it, acknowledge it and… 
  1. Let it go. It’s not just the motto of a notable Disney character. When you let it go, you’re choosing to not let the thought fester and become part of your overall philosophy.
  1. Replace it with something good. Whenever you find a negative thought creeping to the surface, replace it with a positive one. If someone cuts you off in traffic, instead of swearing at them or giving them the one-finger salute, consider that maybe they’re in a rush to visit a sick parent or they’re late for a job interview. Turn it into something positive. Maybe those extra seconds of your commute allowed you to hear your favorite song on the radio or you become extra grateful that you just replaced your brakes. Whatever it is, look for something positive.
  1. Don’t Tweet it out. It’s tempting in the age of social media to air your grievances to the world. Nothing produces a bigger high than the “likes” and approval of thousands of strangers agreeing that the person who cut you off in traffic or otherwise wronged you, is an idiot (or worse). However, the moment is fleeting and a few minutes later, you may be the one who feels like the idiot when the backlash inevitably occurs. Don’t let these unflattering moments define you.

Your thoughts comprise your personal and business philosophies. What are yours? In the latest episode of It’s a Good Life, episode #112, Brian delves into the topic of personal and business philosophies and outlines the six questions to ask to help you define yours. Click here to listen. Since no successful person achieves it alone, be sure to go to buffiniandcompany.com/ccs to request a complimentary group coaching session with our membership consultant team!

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