Buffini & Company Blog

Tip #1: See Opportunity in the Process

Recruit Top Agents

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Recruiting is one of the biggest challenges brokers and managers face. On one hand, you want to grow your organization; on the other, it’s important recruit the right agents for your business, not just anyone with a real estate license.

While some brokers aren’t sure how to start a relationship with potential recruits, others feel the top performers are happy where they are or won’t have time to meet. One thing is for sure, recruiting can be a frustrating experience for many brokers and managers.

Over the next five weeks, through a series of blogs, we’ll cut through the confusion and make recruiting more productive, efficient and fun.

Recruiting Tip #1: See Opportunity in the Process

Many brokers may view recruiting as a chore they have to do to court high-producing agents to their brokerages. Their impression of the process becomes even more negative as they become frustrated with every rejection. No wonder many brokers dread it!

Instead of viewing recruiting as a chore, see it as a way to build strong relationships with ambitious professionals in the industry. You’re doing more than recruiting agents—although that is the primary benefit. You’re also creating new opportunities to improve skills, share new ideas and connect with other top performers in the industry, all of which are very attractive to high achieving agents who want to grow. When you change the way you view the recruiting process, you’ll find more agents will want to work with you.

Want to help your agents grow professionally and close more deals this year? Become a Mentor. Click here to learn more.

Buffini & Company

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