Buffini & Company Blog

Tip #2: Know Your Brand

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Last week, we encouraged you to change your perspective on the recruiting process, and to see it as an opportunity to connect with top professionals in the industry.This week we’ll help you fine-tune your brand to focus on who you and your brokerage are.

Recruiting Tip #2: Know your brand.

Your brand is who you are in the business. It’s your reputation: the one you’ve cultivated within the industry and with your clients, and the environment you’ve created in the office. Knowing your brand will help you set the standard for who you hire.

Recruiting isn’t easy and it’s tempting to hire agents who are high-achievers just for the sake of boosting your bottom line. However, if they don’t fit your brand’s culture and values, they may not live up to your expectations. They may view your values as limitations to their success and become frustrated and resentful. This could have negative affects on your entire office.

Remember, it’s your business; you must be selective about who you hire. Start by writing down the traits of your business—how would you describe your business and services you offer? How is your brand known in the industry and how would you like your brand known? These answers will often dovetail with your core values and mission.

Once you know the core values and ideals of your brand, think about what kind of agents you’d like to attract. What character and competence traits does your ideal agent have? Ask your current high-achievers to provide input regarding the traits they think the ideal agent should have to get even more insight. Once you’ve defined the types of agents you’d like to attract, ask your agents and others in your network if they know agents who fit that description.

You’ve worked hard to create your brand—by hiring the right people, you’ll not only protect it, you’ll also cultivate it into the kind of place where top producers thrive.

Want to help your agents grow professionally and close more deals this year? Become a Mentor. Click here to learn more.

Catch up on the recruiting series. Click here for Tip #1. Stay tuned for Tip #3.


Buffini & Company

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