Buffini & Company Blog

Tips for Improving Home and Health

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

The birds are singing, flowers are blooming, the gutters are brimming with debris and waistlines may be a bit fuller from rich and filling winter dishes. This month is all about the maintenance and improvement of our homes and our health. The Marketing Flyers offer timeless tips to keep both in shape.

What’s in the Box?

healthFor our Standard and Canadian Members, we’re bringing home maintenance back (not that it ever left; after all, it is a year-round effort). The Marketing Flyer features several important tasks to tackle each season of the year. The letter calls attention to the six tasks to tackle this spring, and encourages your clients to contact you if they’d like to enlist the help of a professional or service to take care of these chores for them.

For our Alternate Members, it’s all about health and fitness. Many people make resolutions in January to lose a few pounds or eat healthier, only to fall off track a month or two into the year. The Marketing Flyer offers tips to help your clients improve their health right this minute, and provides an overview of a few gadgets to help them stay on track to achieve their goals. The letter encourages your clients to take charge of their health, just as they take charge of their finances. This is a character piece that shows your clients that you care!

Have You Reserved Your Spot at Brian Buffini’s Success Tour?

If not, what are you waiting for? The Success Tour is stopping in San Jose in June, Philadelphia in September, Texas in October and Toronto in December. It’s not too late to make 2015 your best year ever! This two-day live event is sure to broaden your knowledge, sharpen your skills and motivate you to thrive this year. Visit buffiniandcompany.com/successtour to reserve your spot at the live event or the live broadcast today!

Buffini & Company

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