Buffini & Company Blog

To Sell is to Serve with Rachael Yeaman

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

Are you ready to have a strong spring season, converting new leads into more sales and income? We’ve got you! At Buffini & Company, we provide the best services and resources that help thousands of clients reach their goals and beyond. Click here to sign up for a free Business Consultation to learn about how you can achieve that level of success too.

We all have a method we use to persuade people – a strategy we instinctively employ to get the result we want. This is both organic and learned – it’s something we’re born with, but it’s also something that grows and develops over time. In a professional setting, this method is called your selling strength: it’s the approach you take to influence others towards a desired outcome. The art of persuasion can get a bad rap – but it’s a very good thing when it’s used in the right way and with the right motivation: a desire to serve and help.

Understanding your natural selling strength is crucial to working more effectively and productively. Once you know what yours is, you’ll be able to maximize it to get more of what you want and help others get more of what they want too. You’ll also be able to analyze how you approach decision-making, how you react to confrontation and how you can better identify what others need to move forward. Tapping into this knowledge means you can take the first vital step toward intentionally utilizing your abilities, maximizing your productivity and reaching your goals.

Are you a Motivator?

Motivators are born influencers. Because you’re willing to start the conversation and you like to share your ideas openly, you’re always able to break the ice and get the ball rolling. You inject momentum into any situation and you instinctively inspire others to act – if your clients can’t come to a decision, for example, you’re able to confidently guide and steer them. Even if circumstances are stagnant, you’ll get things moving again and you’ll bring everyone along with you. Negotiation is where you really shine. You love nothing more than tapping into this unique skill to benefit your clients, colleagues and community. In your enthusiasm to share, however, it’s vital that you don’t come across as pushy or bossy and cause people to feel pressure.

You’re unique and so is your selling strength. Just like all of your gifts and abilities, your selling strength is on a spectrum and it can be influenced. Whether it develops or deteriorates is up to you. To achieve your full potential, you need to learn how to maximize your unique skills to help yourself, your clients, your colleagues and your community to win. The more you work on your selling strength, the better it will get – and the more success you’ll experience. With optimal use, awareness and a focus on growth, your selling strength can be a superpower! To learn how you can optimize your selling strength, listen to the latest episode of “It’s a Good Life” and take the free REALStrengths assessment today. 

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