Buffini & Company Blog

Top Tips for Recruiting Experienced Producers: Tip #4

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

It’s Recruiting Season!  Are You Ready?

And now for Tip #4 . . .

[box]Don’t bore people with a recruiting “presentation!”[/box]

This is especially true in the case of recruiting experienced producers.

Instead of being ready with every great thing about your company you want to talk about, stop yourself and have a conversation.

Connect with the person in front of you. Ask some questions about their family, their hobbies and their business. Listen and find out what is really important to them.

This allows you to determine what they need and how you and your unique brand and value proposition may be able to help. You can then tailor your commentary around the pertinent things for them.

When you take an authentic interest in someone, they can feel it. They appreciate it and it builds the relationship deeper. It also allows you to stay in touch with their goals or priorities at the top of your mind because you took the time and made the effort to ask and have a real exchange.

That’s a meeting worth having and attending.

For more ideas and strategy on building your ultimate real estate office, join us for a FREE Recruiting Challenge to up your game this recruiting season!



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